My Devotees

Friday, July 15, 2011


Alhamdulillah. My first week of work at Xybase turned out pretty okay... I was given a notebook to put in my safekeeping. Induction will be started by next week and after that I will have some training pertaining to the project that going to be handled by me. I missed my past time with my good friends Jasmine, Nabilah & Safrida. The ones that I left, the ones that I rant with, the ones that I gossip with, the ones that I laugh with…today I missed all of you.. :)

Co-sleeping with baby

We are thinking to have a baby cot for Qaseh since I am willing to train her to sleep in her own bed. Sleeping with baby is a personal choice. Most parents throughout the world sleep with their infants and this is become our culture. Since Qaseh is an easy-sleeper dan pattern tidur pun dah berubah, I am wishing to make a sidecar-arrangement where baby cot will be placed straight up against our bed. 
There is no right or wrong place for our baby to sleep. Some people said, some babies do not like to sleep in the cot I but believe it all depends on how we teach our baby. And for me, it doesn’t mean that you are a bad parent if you don't sleep with your baby.

Keputusan belum lagi dibuat samada playpen or baby cot.

Each of them will have different weight capacity. Naturally, baby cot is much sturdier compared to playpen and it can be used longer. Banyak pro & con, will decide later.


Phlegm & Infant

Qaseh is under the weather for few days already. Ada phlegm and mild cough but no wheezing sound. She has been referred to pediatrician for few times, X-Ray has been done and Alhamdulillah, kata pediatrician lung Qaseh clear & her lung is in a fine condition. Her breathing is not very noisy, no wheezing sound cuma berkahak sahaja. When we consulted with pediatrician, no medication has been given and pediatrician advised to let it heal by itself. Tapi I am so worried because phlegm may cause bronkitis atau brochospasm. Apa yang telah saya praktik kan ialah chest taps and it helps. Chest taps ni sejenis tepukan pada belakang badan bayi dan boleh loose kan mucus/phlegm yang ada. Caranya dengan meletakan bayi dalam posisi meniarap, letakkan bantal yang sedikit nipis di bawah perut,condongkan posisi bantal dengan kedudukan kepala bayi ke bawah dan kaki di atas, pastikan kaki lurus. seterusnya bentukkan tapak tangan seperti cupping/ bentuk cawan dan tepuk perlahan di belakang bayi, lebih kurang 15 hingga 20 minit. Buat untuk kiri dan kanan bahagian tubuh bayi.
So far, she does not refuse on feeding and though her feeding is not affected, but still we brought her and seek for medical advice, pediatrician says its normal and this kind of heavy breathing will go away after sometime. Some pediatrician said, the sounds are not phlegm but the sound was due to salur pernafasan yang sempit, so, will produce the sound. He keeps reassuring me that once Qaseh grows older, the sound will go away. 
Hurm. Bila google through internet, ramai yang suggest untuk bagi honey to infants and they said it’s really works. The truth is honey should never be given to a child under the age of 12 months old! It may cause botulism poisoning and it is really unsafe. 
Some people advised to put ‘kunyit’ dengan cara gosok kunyit pada tempat yang kasar then apply it on the baby’s chest. I will try it tonight. Hopefully berkesan. InsyaAllah.


Thursday, July 14, 2011


Oh.. rasa sangat-sangat tidak sihat since few days ago… sore throat & mild fever. Qaseh pun tak sihat.. Hopefully everything will be back to normal..InsyaAllah..

A Letter.

Apologies because I was put my diary blog into hiatus for a very long time. Finally after a year, i managed to compose a new post today.

Many things happened at once. I have been married to my husband almost 2 years ago and I got pregnant 6 months later and I absolutely cherished every moment of the pregnancy. Then 5 months back we have welcomed our first, healthy baby girl, Qaseh Edora. She has been delivered at Hospital Pusrawi Kota Damansara @ 3.8kg. Our life certainly changes with the arrival of the baby. Our look at the world is in a different way – and even that sensitivity changes over time. Our first few weeks are tough; a good amazing beautiful tough, between no sleep and finding our routine. As far as it is changing me, it completely changed my sense of priorities, and now I think about responsibility towards my family first and fun second. Sometimes, I noticed my life really is not mine anymore. Qaseh changes our life so dramatically because we are no longer live for ourselves.  But Alhamdulillah, we still managed to go out to dinner, hung out with the same close friends and made a small party at home. Our life is about be flipped upside down but, quickly, things will fall into their place and we realized that our baby who was turn over our world upside down made it the way it’s supposed to be… I love you so much, Qaseh [and daddy too ;) ] I can’t wait to see her progress when she will crawl on the floor and utters her first word, or says ‘Mommy’ or mama or dada… everyday I love to find out how Qaseh learns and grows. Currently, she managed to transfers objects from hand to hand and the one that she loves to do is explores with her hands and mouth :)

Sept 2010.
Many people were not known that we have been involved in a major, unexpected road accident by last year, middle of September, when I was 4months-pregnant.  Personally, I can’t forget the moment when we had met in that bad accident. It is not easy to get rid of all those traumatic experience. "Why us?" keep rising and falling in my mind almost every minutes, as well as flash backs to the event that led up to the car crash. No one can’t feel how difficult to be patch up emotionally and regain the confidence to drive a car again. I need to overcome the fear of driving after that major car accident which was dramatically changed my life. Alhamdulillah, we are emotionally recovered currently and yes I will be stay away from talking about that road accident with others because it is not easy and painful to be told. For my husband, I will forever be thankful to Allah for gifting me with you. You are not just my husband, you are my best friend. I know I can always count on you. I love you so much. 
As a tribute, I would like to say thank you to all of our beloved family members and some good friends [Ira & Ewan, Yani & Paeh] who are always with us during our hard times, lend your hands to us, tak putus-putus hulurkan bantuan. Terima kasih juga pada semua yang meluangkan masa melawat kami di hospital dan dirumah .We are grateful to receive such kindness and empathy from all of you. Their supports were like music to our ears and warmed our heart. I can only say fine friends are few.. It has meant a lot to us when we were able to share with each of you about our pain and suffering. Thank you…..
I have changed my career recently and I believe I have to make a best effort to adapt with this new culture. Buruk atau baik, all changes require some sort of action. I must get used to it. InsyaAllah.. semoga Allah permudahkan segalanya. For this time being, syukur sangat since better-half managed to send and pick me up…
Hopefully I am able to update this blogosphere from time to time as what I love to do- writing blog.