My Devotees
Saturday, March 24, 2007
♥ Cadbury on my desk ♥
smpi ofis.
act br balek dr Ou.sgt kepenatan & sedikit terlewat.
Ana dropped me dpn ofis & she ke Ali Baba for her 'lunch'.. =)
i was suprised, there's a bar of Cadburry...huermm..
ishhh..sapa plak neyyyy..maen2 tggl cadburry ats meja lak, tambah2 dok lam paper bag..isk. juz nengok2.."sapa punye lak ney?" moving on my mind...
suddenly, i got sms, from somebody,my officemate....huerm..Khalif upernye.
he bought it for can he knows i am chocholic..*wondering*
anyway, thanks a lot. =)
to my fwens [if u all read this]♥
~ to Shuk: so sowwyy x dpt nk mereply sms2 kamo..huhuh.agk kesebukan.balek keje pon da juz titon & sok nye bangon g keje.. =) will msg u later yeah.hopefully, kamo sehat.nnti free, ley makan ns kukus sama2 lgik =)
~ to farah: huerm.maaf,syg.didnt have much time to meet u.since u keje, i i selalu rindu u! nex tyme kte jumpa yeah!!~
~ to my Lunatic Buddies: so miss u all dem much.huerm.afta final exam, chill out yeah! guwd luck! bwat yg terbaek, walau aku jauh, tak bermaksud aku lupakn kowang.always remmember. huerm. =)
~ to Is: hopefully u bc blog sowy.i am so busy...since not really well, lagi la not having much tyme.but u r still the best kwn =)
~ to Fuad: cant wait to meet u take care urself. =)
Thursday, March 22, 2007
.Stolen Moments .
bgn pg2, then siap2 tuk ke hentian Putra, membeli tiket tuk balek kg..naek tren, dr BTS smpi PWTC, then menapak ke hentian Putra.,.,,hohoho.,.,finally, beli tiket bas.sunday 10am =) huerm.receive call from Khalif..invited me to have lunch wif him & oso Ana..okehs la, then decided mkn kt The Mall since me dah kat situ.,., =) mkn tyme!! hehe. mkn kt food court je since terase nk mkn ns.... =) & thanks a lots to Khalif, die lanje lagik kali kt kaunter, me, Ana & him berebut2 nk membayar, last2 macik tuh amek Khalif nye duwetttt.. isk! =P then lepas mkn2, maen teka-teki, ana nye teki-teki nye sume tahap cipan.,.,keras perut gelaks2!! adeyyy!! siyesly, ana, bile ana da resign nnti, surely me akan windukan ana....hohohoho..... =( sgt tabesh sbb ana da nk resign,., lps mkn2, khalif ajak g Times Square, so ikowt je la, kalau alek umah pon sowang jugak..da sampai Times Square, we semayang Zohor dlu & after dat, beli tikeyt wayang.smbil tggu tyme tuk masuk panggung, khalif ajak me & ana tuk mkn kt Auntie can he knows...i lurve Auntie Anne... =] & again.....he belanje lagik..adeyys...tak bg peluang sgguh..huhuhu. wif Mocha Ice & my feveret Almond Nuty, we sembang2.,.,cerite ttg mcm2..
"Mr Bean's Holiday"...

Act, Khalif is Ana's buddy.,.,a single father,.,40yrs old.,.but first tyme nengok Khalif, tak terpikir yg umo nye 40yrs old, die maseh dgn perangai budak2 nye,ske mengacau me since he's alwys sit beside 2nd tyme nengok Khalif, me nanya " betul ke u 40?" he replied "Yes!, napa?" i smiled & replied "nope, u looks like mcm u ney 27"...he laughed......that's Abdul Khalif...a guy from Melaka & have a very sad life-story to tell about......
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
. no words to describe .....

missing someone already...
gosshhhh!~ i hate this situation..
waitin for his guwd mowning call once arrive at office..
waitin for his sms..suda gilerr. =( i miss getting to meet him..
currently, i'm gettin mad today since i found out sumting & My heart fell to pieces here! =(
i have been hurt in the past & i dont want that to happen again...........
. kerinduan dtg lg .

Leen & Eja ~ mishh u damn muchhyy =)
kete sape ney eh? Mira eh?...amboi2.huerm. =) love u all so much!
Eja & Pojie~ schweet couple.sama kecik, sama comel.hehe =) already 4 yrs kan Ja?...
Famie & Umie~ owh.i lurve dis pic.sweet & adorable.
my Lunatic Family : Miera, cik Mah, Leen, Ani, Aki & eJaa =) lurve u all so mucchhyyy!~
Sunday, March 18, 2007
. Mukhsin .

sepetang bersama officemates di Midvalley...melayan cite Mukhsin & for me it's really awesome..sgt besh. =)
receive guwd morning call from Khalif, my officemate..he invited me to join a few of them to layan cite Mukhsin.. =)
huerm..memule me refused, since not getting well..but after dipujuk2, then okey lah.bersiap ala kadar (shirt & jeans)..then jnji jumpa dey all sume kt midevelly...ohoho..!! panas sgtt...huerm.owang punye la ramai...& dalam laut manusia tuh mencari khalif, yeah!! found him, in lane 5 =) hehu...oh my Goodness, so ramai owang.adey..sgt penat menunggu dlm barisan..finally, beli tiket Mukhsin, khalif lanje..haha.thanks, khalif.
after tat, mkn tyme!!! =) me the one yg bersemangat!! =)) then me yg dpt keutamaan utk memilih tpt mkn... =) ngeee** act nk mkn Ayamas but since x de tpt duduk, sume da penuhs.huerm.sgt ramai tol owang kt snie...huerm.then jenjalan lagik...then, me terpandang Dominos, emm..lama jugak x makan Dominos (act, terpandang Spagheti Bolognise , sgt gile ituuu!!) erm, then me said "kite makan Dominos,nak?" all angguk2..yey!! =) then, we ordered 1 set of pizza plus cokelat cake... =) yummy!! memule nk order Spaghetti but since i'm not well & x ley makan pedas2 lagi, so they all sume marah.. hikhikhik...
sudah makan sume, then beborak...punye lah byk hal yg dibincangkan....huhu.
then....muvee tyme!!! yey!!! the one who is excited is ME!! hahaha =)) bought pop corn & 1 glass of 100 Plus..then watching Mukhsin..
Mukhsin sgt handsome..for me la, pd umur 12 tahun =) hehhe.cite die yg mendatar sj ku besh..i lurve karya yasmin Ahmad... sgt suke & tak pernah terlepas peluang nonton sume karya2 yasmin ahmad..part yg plg besh, mase Mukhsin bwk dat gal, naek basikal & keliling kg...

then lps habes nengok Mukhsin,tyme tuk balek, terus balek, Khalif hantar, thanks again =) hohoho..
. friendship .
. rindu tak berpenghujung....
maseh di ofis..
act, baru balek dr subang jaya.,.,
menemani Ana mencari seseorang yg kupikir 'baek hati' @ sebalek nye.. =) huerm..then dah puas2 pusing sana, sni, cari subang jaya, then ke shah alam..perot da terasa laparrr...hehehe.then singgah lah beli 'goreng pisang kicap' kat tepi jalan, smbil2 tu bertanya kat pakcik yg juwal goreng pisang tuh.,.,hahaha~ yg kelakarnyer, bile da siap beli pisang goreng, then naek kete ana balek, dgn lahapnye kiteorg makan grg pisang tuh.........tanpa menyedari yg kite park kete tuh tol2 depan gerai pakcik tuh & pakcik tuh plak sedang asyik nengok kiteorg yg melahap pisang die kt situh... =)) sgttt sengal perangai kami berdua... biler dah separuh plastik melahap pisang ituh, br la kiteorg berdua menoleh ke sebelah kiri & tgk pak cik tuh & anak nye sedang asik & tersenyum2,,.,., hahaha =)) sgttt malu..then kteorg makan x toleh2 ponws.. :P then, meneruskn perjalanan yg tabesh tuh sbb sggttt panas..muka pon da merah2 since asik tuwun dr kete bertanyakan arah jalan.... ;)
finally!!~ berjaya jugak selepas menghabeskn break selama 4 jam neyhhhh...uh! sgt susah nk mencari. :P then makan2 wif ana kt satu restoran yg setelah lama di usya-usya,.,.
then drive balek ofis wif ana..,.,then start keje...hohoho.,.,sngat kepenatan.,.,
** title x de kene-mengene ngan cite *** =)
Saturday, March 17, 2007
. Damansara Specialist I .

Thursday, March 15, 2007
. Damansara Specialist .
everything tabesh hrnie..
since semalam x sehat & x dapat tido ngan lena..
i'm not well.
nk tido x bley.
& pg2 bangun sbb x lena titon, tewus siap2 dtg opis, then g Klinik Famili TTDI..huerm..requested for 'female Dr'..
lps check everthing & suddenly she said that i have to do the operation....she wrote a letter & wanted me to refer to Damansara Specialist..yg sgt kelaka, nanges lak ms Dr ngah la nk jadey ney..nanges je taw...hohoho.lps amek dat letter & she gave me pain killer & 1 bottle of syrup...huhuhu.then balek mama, Eda, Tina & along..huhu..supposely, do the operation by this evening, tp bile kal dat hosp, soh dok lam waiting list lak plak...huerm & i decided wat esok kol 2 ptg, already request for female Dr tp unfortunately female Dr unavailable plak...hohoh..then terpaksa amek Dr Sebastian..huhuh..hrni sgt tabesh, mata da bengkak sbb da nanges2..all family members nasihatkan xmo wat operation lg, soh cube rwtn alternatif dlu....huhuhu.. cane neyyy.... honestly, me pon x mo wat operation...bile da wat operation, walau sket pon msti ade efek, rite?.......
around 2pm, call Gamat eMas..make consult call wif them...huerm..ask this, ask that....& i wanna try a few product of Gamat eMas...sbb dgr2nye agak berkesan jugakk...juz try & it?...huerm & esok, maseh g Hosp tu lagi..wanna make some consultation wif specialist there....hohoho...i'm tired wif this........ ;(
Mama called & she wanna come here since me nk wat operation, advised her dat i'm in guwd condition...dun wanna make her become mama pon masok wad jugak nex week & do something for her stomach...she will be hospitallized..hohoh..semangat nk dpt 'baby baru ' end of dis month pon hilang biler da x sehat camnie...... sgt saket & i cant stand anymoOOO... ;( Insyallah, everthing will be occay soon.....always praying for the guwd health...... ;(
esok nk g Uniten, Insyaallah kalau larat..nk g uruskn ttg Konvokesyen yg x lama lg..then kol 2 terus ke Damansara Specialist..
. happy birthday .
Friday, March 09, 2007
.You are The Lovers.

You are The Lovers
Motive, power, and action, arising from Inspiration and Impulse.
The Lovers represents intuition and inspiration. Very often a choice needs to be made.
Originally, this card was called just LOVE. And that's actually more apt than "Lovers." Love follows in this sequence of growth and maturity. And, coming after the Emperor, who is about control, it is a radical change in perspective. LOVE is a force that makes you choose and decide for reasons you often can't understand; it makes you surrender control to a higher power. And that is what this card is all about. Finding something or someone who is so much a part of yourself, so perfectly attuned to you and you to them, that you cannot, dare not resist. This card indicates that the you have or will come across a person, career, challenge or thing that you will fall in love with. You will know instinctively that you must have this, even if it means diverging from your chosen path. No matter the difficulties, without it you will never be complete.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
.unintended . =]
Song Of All Time.......
You could be my unintended Choice to live my life extended You could be the one I'll always love You could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitions You could be the one I'll always love I'll be there as soon as I can But I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before First there was the one who challenged All my dreams and all my balance She could never be as good as you You could be my unintended Choice to live my life extended You should be the one I'll always love I'll be there as soon as I can But I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before I'll be there as soon as I can But I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before Before you
. kalut .
so many days tak jot down something bnyak mende yg harus dipikir kan.since gaji pon x bank-in lagi, so jiwa agak tak, menunggu "sesuatu" di hujung bulan ney =)hopefully, Insyaallah dapat.& got confused too, which one yg maw di pilih.whether that or that.. huerm.i'll choose the besh.lagipon yg maw pakai pon bukan owang laen.sgt suke sbb along, mama & all family members supported me =) even not supported from financial part.hahah.i'll buy it wif my own money.,.,Insyaallah.kire2 da 1 week g celebrity fitness & i got my personal trainer named Asry,.,shangat baek.,.shangat peramah.,while entertain me to do all the work-out, mulotnye tak henti2 tanya tu & tanya ney., terbalek la plak,suppose me yg byk nanye die..huhuhu.,.,so, have 1 more session wif Asry.,.& whut i can say dat, i really-really enjoy there.,.rasa sgt tak rugi.,.we (me & Ana already join Capoeira Class..awesome!! the instructor is Rafael, he's Brazillian.,.First tyme belaja, sgt x reti.,agk kekok.,.plus d lama tak bwat pelbgai aksi Martial arts.,.,tp really enjoy,, =)
td call Asry, suppose ade appoinment wif him today at 3pm tpksa d kanselkan since ana ade keje yg harus diberesin.uhuh.shangat kerinduan pd babes [eja,leen,cik mah, umi, mira, aki, ani] da shangattt lama x jmpa dey all.,.,last week Leen call & ajak jenjalan but unable nk spend masa wif dey all cos mama & all family members ade kt snie, plus keje balek lwt.,.hohoh.nex time yeah,sayangs,.,., i missed u all dem mucchhyy!~
mode: AngaunesS & i found my better half <3>~ hahah.sgt tidak betol.huerm.beberapa hari yg berlalu ney mcm biasa.,.,smooth.,.since this weekend da nak move-out dr rumah along, decided nk makan2 ngan family along.,.,hari pe, tataw lg.,Saturday nk g CF , maybe on sunday.,.,
td received call dr F*****.wth!!~ watpe nk call2 lagik.,.,i hate u damn mucchhyyy,.,so don ever u disturb me.uh!
till then~
ellena <3>
Friday, March 02, 2007
. happiness .
currently happy.. =) since Mama, Eda, Tina, Abg Ary, Tirah & Ammar sampai this morning..hurm..around 5am dis morning, Eda called me & asked me to open the door..hohoh.dan tido sudah terganggu.,., =) then smbg tido balek & mama laid beside me.. pg td, had breakfast ngan mama : kue tiaw grg + milo panas.. selalunya dtg keje x makan pon, tp sbb Ma ade, then makan la sket ngan Ma.. then siap2 dtg 'guwd mowning' call from Dzihni.,., since semalam call putus bcos battery low.hurm. =)
hurm,yesterday, suppose g 2nd interview, tp dgn kemalasan nye, call company tuh & bitaw takley dtg, x sehat.. =) ahaha.apa la nye pemalas.then, in the afternoon, die nye secretary called, soh dtg harini..adeyyyy!~ punyalah die soh dtg gak..huhu.erm.then ade lg satu interview kt Cheras, pon x g gak. ahaks. =))
erm.yey~~ hrni, gaji masok.yahuu!!~ many things yg ader lam kepala ney.ahaha =))
& today, nk g celebrity Fitness & today is our first dancing class.hehe. =) i'm sure it's FUN!!~