sepetang bersama officemates di Midvalley...melayan cite Mukhsin & for me it's really awesome..sgt besh. =)
receive guwd morning call from Khalif, my officemate..he invited me to join a few of them to layan cite Mukhsin.. =)
huerm..memule me refused, since not getting well..but after dipujuk2, then okey lah.bersiap ala kadar (shirt & jeans)..then jnji jumpa dey all sume kt midevelly...ohoho..!! panas sgtt...huerm.owang punye la ramai...& dalam laut manusia tuh mencari khalif, yeah!! found him, in lane 5 =) hehu...oh my Goodness, so ramai owang.adey..sgt penat menunggu dlm barisan..finally, beli tiket Mukhsin, khalif lanje..haha.thanks, khalif.
after tat, mkn tyme!!! =) me the one yg bersemangat!! =)) then me yg dpt keutamaan utk memilih tpt mkn... =) ngeee** act nk mkn Ayamas but since x de tpt duduk, sume da penuhs.huerm.sgt ramai tol owang kt snie...huerm.then jenjalan lagik...then, me terpandang Dominos, emm..lama jugak x makan Dominos (act, terpandang Spagheti Bolognise , sgt gile ituuu!!) erm, then me said "kite makan Dominos,nak?" all angguk2..yey!! =) then, we ordered 1 set of pizza plus cokelat cake... =) yummy!! memule nk order Spaghetti but since i'm not well & x ley makan pedas2 lagi, so they all sume marah.. hikhikhik...
sudah makan sume, then beborak...punye lah byk hal yg dibincangkan....huhu.
then....muvee tyme!!! yey!!! the one who is excited is ME!! hahaha =)) bought pop corn & 1 glass of 100 Plus..then watching Mukhsin..
Mukhsin sgt handsome..for me la, pd umur 12 tahun =) hehhe.cite die yg mendatar sj ku pikir..tp besh..i lurve karya yasmin Ahmad... sgt suke & tak pernah terlepas peluang nonton sume karya2 yasmin ahmad..part yg plg besh, mase Mukhsin bwk dat gal, naek basikal & keliling kg...

so schweet =) hehehe.
then lps habes nengok Mukhsin,tyme tuk balek, terus balek, Khalif hantar, thanks again =) hohoho..
then lps habes nengok Mukhsin,tyme tuk balek, terus balek, Khalif hantar, thanks again =) hohoho..
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