3:35 PM 5/11/2007
sedar tak sedar, dah kol 3.35pm dah...me maseh kat dlm bilik Kak Zura..borrowed her desktop & browse ke internet..hurm.sorang2 dlm rumah neyh..Nasrah yg ade td, dah hilang..mgkin ke ofis agaknye...
mama called last nite, tetibe mama cakap, bile nk balek? adeyhhhss..sorry Ma, bukan tamaw balek..nakkk sgt balek kg..tp since x de cuti plus budget da melarikan dr...terpaksa la pendamkn hasrat tuk balek kg ke nex month...Insyaallah. =) em' so sorry Ma, bkn x mo balek..rindu sgt nk alek..huhuuhh. ;( i asked her "ma x nak dtg sni ke?" hee hee :) bertuah kan 'anak ini'... ;) hehehhe..
die diam & continued 'tgk la, nnti Ma g la KL'... hehehe.. & me sambung lg..'Ha, mari lahhh....'
=) she knows me..her youngest daughter yg manje ngan die... ;) missed u sgt2,Ma...
hari ni Off day.so pg2 bangun, drive g sg besi, repair lock kete yg dah fault.hurmm...nape lah ngan baby Neo neyh.... adey.sabar je la... ingt kan lama, upernye 10 mnt jer dah Okeys.. & uncle yg merepair tuh bitaw, die cam stuck so have to boh minyak sket..tu je.. then lps tuh, drive, g tapau...then balek rumah..
kak Un pon da alek! yey! dats mean, i have my roomie back!! have so many stories to tell about...tp, die dah nk g keje..so she told me "Nurul, tggu akak eh, akak break nnti, akak balek".. ;) yes Mem! hee hee.. rindunye nk borak2 wif her since die alek kg & bercuti panjang for her wedding day.... 'family arrangement'..her family already arranged a guy for her.. Alhamdulillah..& she will be married soon & i'm the one yg sgt excited dgr all her stories ;) hehehe.
Norul Hazrina a.k.a kak Un, 27 yrs old, my new roomie merangkap my colleague ;) sgt baek..sgt peramah..eventho baru kenal her x smpi 6 bulan, die sgt baek.. & i'm thankful to ALLAH, dpt roomate cam die bkn 'si pendek yg sengal' tuh... uh~! everytime ingt si pendek tuh, jiwa ni rasa terbakar jerk. s***! & all in this house said "she's sucks!" die teruk... omg! tataw la,ade gak org cam die....... hurm.......... so everyday, we all dlm rumah neyh sume mengelak jumpe ngan die...hohoh..isk! x bebas dok dalam rumah neyh....
okeh la.
:) nuting much to say..
to be continued..
& to fuad yg on the way ke rantau panjang, thanks for the song k ;)
heart u.
ellena =)
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