9:21 PM 02/07/2007
masih di opis..
keje yg menimbun...
lg beraper minit nk baleks.
i was confused.
berbelah bahagi.
antara move out atau tdk dr rmh itu..... ;(
semalam menghabiskan 1hr, bersama kak Un ke KL.
she dropped me at SOGO ;) oyeah!~
sgt teruja..tp penat..melihat sgt ramai umat manusia...
oh My God!!
it was so crowded.
so many people..
ade yg sorg diri..
tp ramai yg bersama family masing2.
me keseorangan lagi..
meredah lautan manusia...
kaki melangkah laju ke 2nd floor.
since didnt receive yet the salary for last month,June [today is already 2nd of JULY],
terpaksa menahan dr dr bershooping.. ;)
likes Fuad said to me "cOp dl apa yg nk d beli, nnti shopping jumaat ni nge B"...
;) ecececec...nk belanje ke?.... heeee =]
my feveret corner is 'Somorset Bay'.... baju2nye sgt chantek...ala2 Inggeris & i luv it..
i like one piece of modern 'kebaya' from 'Somorset Bay',sgt chantek & nice kalau dipakai bersama jeans, yg pastinya, kalau pakai akan terima bebelan fuad.... ;) heeeee... sgt transparent... ;) heee heee...
hurm....b, i cant wait to meet u dis becoming friday...nk shuupin bersama2.. & guess whut in my mind, dear? hurm... LV shoes!!!! =] hehu....*melting* melting* aaaa...nak!.... huk huk... (mcm anak kecil kan?...) =) u are the one yg sgt sbr melayan "anak kecil" ini.....thanks, shayang....
turun kedapur untuk masak ns grg bersama Kak Un.. ;) heee..heee.. da lwt malam, tp dsebabkan lapa...gagahkan jugee tuk memasak.. akhirnye masak lah 'ns grg kg'...ecece ;) mkn bertiga : me + kak Un + kak zura ....ns grg kg made my tummy full ;)
it's time for sleep...
Fuad suda tdo..& jugee Ann ;)
how pity u, shayang...me taw kamu sgt penat.... =] hoping dat papa will getting better & better soon. InsyaAllah..
i luff u so much.
i'm waiting the time to be together again............
Miss u much more than words can even say,
masih di opis..
keje yg menimbun...
lg beraper minit nk baleks.
i was confused.
berbelah bahagi.
antara move out atau tdk dr rmh itu..... ;(
semalam menghabiskan 1hr, bersama kak Un ke KL.
she dropped me at SOGO ;) oyeah!~
sgt teruja..tp penat..melihat sgt ramai umat manusia...
oh My God!!
it was so crowded.
so many people..
ade yg sorg diri..
tp ramai yg bersama family masing2.
me keseorangan lagi..
meredah lautan manusia...
kaki melangkah laju ke 2nd floor.
since didnt receive yet the salary for last month,June [today is already 2nd of JULY],
terpaksa menahan dr dr bershooping.. ;)
likes Fuad said to me "cOp dl apa yg nk d beli, nnti shopping jumaat ni nge B"...
;) ecececec...nk belanje ke?.... heeee =]
my feveret corner is 'Somorset Bay'.... baju2nye sgt chantek...ala2 Inggeris & i luv it..
i like one piece of modern 'kebaya' from 'Somorset Bay',sgt chantek & nice kalau dipakai bersama jeans, yg pastinya, kalau pakai akan terima bebelan fuad.... ;) heeeee... sgt transparent... ;) heee heee...
hurm....b, i cant wait to meet u dis becoming friday...nk shuupin bersama2.. & guess whut in my mind, dear? hurm... LV shoes!!!! =] hehu....*melting* melting* aaaa...nak!.... huk huk... (mcm anak kecil kan?...) =) u are the one yg sgt sbr melayan "anak kecil" ini.....thanks, shayang....
turun kedapur untuk masak ns grg bersama Kak Un.. ;) heee..heee.. da lwt malam, tp dsebabkan lapa...gagahkan jugee tuk memasak.. akhirnye masak lah 'ns grg kg'...ecece ;) mkn bertiga : me + kak Un + kak zura ....ns grg kg made my tummy full ;)
it's time for sleep...
Fuad suda tdo..& jugee Ann ;)
how pity u, shayang...me taw kamu sgt penat.... =] hoping dat papa will getting better & better soon. InsyaAllah..
i luff u so much.
i'm waiting the time to be together again............
Miss u much more than words can even say,
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