Hello folks.How are u today? Good? Okay. That’s awesome. Mine just fine. :) Thanks, GOD. Happy Monday ya! Ohhh! I just hate Monday sh*tly.
Hey folks, I attended Daughtry concert at One Utama on Saturday night with better half and Faiz and we had such a fantastic time there. Surprisingly to me, there were many people came and watched their concert though weather was not good. Daughtry is one of our favorite artists and their concert was SUPERB! I’m sOOOOoo excited when better half managed to buy the tix from an old lady who was standing next to him. The tix cost rm100 each, and fortunately that Auntie had three tixs. Better half, Faiz and me headed ourselves to the crowded of people around 8.30pm. Yes, a bit late than others. The concert was commenced at 7pm. they had an Indian band at the beginning then continue with two Malay singer yang haku tak tahu sapa nama die, afterwards got Danial Lim, he sang his three famous songs. Later, they had 3 famous DJ in M’sia, DJ Uno, DJ FUZZ and sapa ntah another one. Tak hengat. They are fabulous, enough said. The flow of the music really made all of us jumping. J Amazing. We were really smashed into it! Hebat. Finally,around 11.20pm, Daughtry muncol. Masa tu saket kaki sangat2 sbb aku pakai heel. Chris Daughtry sgt handsome. Haha. Their performance was superb! Everyone was singing and jumping, except for ME. They were closing the stage around 12.30pm in midnight. * My SE Usb cable has gone out of order already pfftt! Thus, pics will be uploaded later and thus I HAVE TO get a new one pffft! *
I managed to watch two movies at Pavillion by last week. ‘Wanted’ on Saturday and ‘I’m Not Single’ on Sunday. The finest movie goes to ‘Wanted’ 10/10. Thanks for Faiz, my brother-in-law-to-be for the treat. We watched I’m Not Single, the movie was just okay, not so excellent but not worst okay. Hey! I loike Pierre Andre, okay =) haha.
As I wait for Better Half in Topman (he seized grey short- sleeve shirt from Topman), all of a sudden my eyes trapped on a Topshop white shirt sleeve puff with ruffle, oh..i was enlightened Better Half, he also suka. So…I bought it. Yes. I bought it. Indeed. *wink* do u know, what the movie that I’ve been waiting for age? Absolutely, Sex and The City. If better half can’t go along with me for it, I’ll definitely buy a dvd and watch it at home. *sob sob*

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