My Devotees
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Am I testy?
To those person who be familiar with me well, am I testy? I mean….am I bad-tempered? Yes, I realize, some time, when I’m having my menses, my mood will be a bit cross and cantankerous… errr… I’m pretty sure, all females will encounter the same thing... isn’t it?..
Arrghhh.,. I’m not bad-tempered person. I’m good-natured people, okay?..
I did text better half cepat-cepat and asked him: “b, syg ni panas baran ke?”
He did reply: "No lah, for a while je, those times u have ur menses, ada la sikit, tp b faham :) ”…
Suspicion mode.
So people, am I testy?..
Run of the mill...
Ramadhan is coming……… Alhamdulillah, thankful to Allah s.w.t, as we are given this chance again to beribadah kepadaNYA. And this becoming Ramadhan, will be the fifth Ramadhan without my late Abah.. Only Allah s.w.t knows how much I missed him every second and minute, every here and then…he’s the best and super-niceness man in my life and the finest and super-cool father for my family.
My prayers are always with you, Abah & let peace pave your way… Al-fatihah…… *sad*
Everything seems to be circling around, so fast... today is Thursday, meaning that, 1 more day left, and then I’ll be back to hometown. I need to do some laundry tonight, I have a bucket of used clothes.. Somebody, please give me a hand….. aihhhh…malas.. malas…
Last night, I’ve received a very special ‘thing’ that I’ve retained before for my beloved friend. Tara…tara… Surprise! *chuckles*
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
On the other day, she’s not well..
I was on medical leave yesterday and it didn’t make so much different for my mouth. I managed to seek Doctor on Monday and I was given one day medical chit, pain killer and two type of antibiotic from one clinic in Kg Baru. What's more, Better-Half not so well already for 3 days.. :(
Last week, Better-Half and I did jalan-jalan and did some shopping for Hari Raya’s preparation. Some of my colleagues said that, it’s ahead of time for me to do so, but it’s much easier when aku tak perlu nak berpanas, bersesak membeli belah sewaktu Ramadhan, there’s lots and sort of collections that I can choose on, there’s lots of size for me and the most weighty part is I still have time to look for my accessories, my shoes, my shawls, my brooch and my bag to be matched with my baju. *giggles*
After all's said and done, we bought a pair of Baju Kurung in Better-Half’s-family-theme-color. For this family theme color, I’ve plump for ready-made Baju Kurung, which easier for me to go for it. The Modern Baju Kurung that Better-Half decides on it is looks austere-nice and elegant with the embroidery and needlecraft. I love it to bits and big thanks to Better-Half for it. I already purchase the kain baju kurung in my family theme’s color before whilst my sister and I did shopping in Jakel last month.
Mann… I’m not in good mood today… even in chew-less mode, still I managed to eat Nasi Briyani for my lunch. It’s really made my tummy glowing…hehehe. Before this, perut tak glowing sbb tak mkn bebetol… *sigh*
Monday, August 25, 2008
Hello people,
I’m sick today. Something wrong with my mouth and that thing has chopped my appetite…
I’m so sad.. :(
What I have from morning till now? 3 slices of potato wedges, small portion of baked beans, 2 glasses of Nescafe Ice, and 2 cups of hot Oligo.
I can't chew up and the only thing that I can do is put the food in my mouth and let it melted and… telan…
Presumed that, I ought go and seek for doctor tonight.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I feel relieved a tad.
Yeah, I’m taking break from my busy-est day.
And today, I feel relieved a tad…yes, not to bits.
The whole weekend was spent with better half’s family.
# 15/08/2008
Mannn. It’s time for dance and sings … *laughs* Disney's High School Musical: The Ice Tour is in Malaysia currently (during mid term school break until 20th aug) and I was there with all my office colleagues as our boss did sponsor the tickets. The best part is we can see the ass-exploding splits these skaters can do. okay, okay I give 5/10, for the reason that I’m not much into it. So enough said it’s not worth bagi tiket kat aku.
# 17/08/2008
Helluuuu.. all over again-We went to Sunway Lagoon. Better half’s elder brother’s GF known to us as Kak Long Ida did sponsor the tickets for 7 of us. A very big thanks to u, sis. I thoroughly enjoyed the precious time with all of you. Adik yasmin and Mama Rohana are still here till this Friday, perhaps.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Cerita Biasa...
We headed home after I paid money for…. Taraa… taraa…..I’ve running out of clothes. Hu hu hu.
Oh people! Do u aware that High School Musical will be held at Stadium Bukit Jalil starting by tomorrow? …. and pleased to say that I’ll be there but… better half can't tag along.. *sob *sob.
to my girlfriends, jumla ketemuk. rendu. uh.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Yes, sorry for the short hiatus, the blog is lagging. I’m damn busy with my work loads. Huhu. I had 4scoops of F1 this morning and better half managed to eat nasi lemak at his favourite pakcik bawah pokok rendang tu. He loves that pakcik’s nasi lemak to bits. (:
Well, I have many things to talk about, but I didn’t have enough time to blogging. I just did some bloghopping around. :) I’m looking forward to meet Mama Rohana and Adik Yasmin this becoming Friday. They’ll be here and will spend the school break with us. Yay for that! *laughs*

time for tummies, time for picchas..
we had so much fun!
errr... Mr & Mrs Fuad.. :P
Mann.. This is so called first- Topshop polka hottie top-I have that better half told that I looked lovely with it, and then I purchased it. Better half hatred polka dot the most as I know. *giggles*
Last weekend, better half and I did spend the whole 2 days together. I thoroughly enjoyed those days with my better half. So yeah, all in all… I have a great weekend, indeed. I guess I should stop blogging since I have tons of work to be done. Gosh.
A small p/s here: to all of my customers, the paid items will be courier by this Sat. pls do wait and pls apologize for any hassle ya.
Friday, August 08, 2008
i luff . . .
I’m updating.
I had 4 scoops Strawberry F1 while better half ate nasi lemak at Fatimah Food Corner.
Woke up at 6.40am this morning because last night I was indeed tiring as better half and me went and look for his office apparel.
He’s looking for long sleeve-stripes shirt that can be used with cuff-link. And it’s trouble-free to find any long sleeve-stripes shirt, on the other hand, it’s tough to discover a can-be-wear-with cufflink’s shirt that can fulfilled his needs. He wants a shirt like this, like that; the color must be like this….. *laughs* Yes, he’s pretty choosy when it comes to find out for his best attire, dissimilar with me while I’m not so fussy. He has to, isn’t it? *smile*
After a long wait, I chose a pink + blueish long sleeve shirt for him and a pink neck-tie plus cuff link in pink color too. Here he goes today:

I’ve noticed that I’ve spent “loads” for this month. *sob sob* I got my eyes of this..

Monday, August 04, 2008
Yes, here I am, blogging at 7pm. It’s been 4 days since my last blog. Pardon me for the short hiatus.
Taadaa! I was at hometown for last weekend. Yes, finally, we drove to hometown after I win over better half and… he took ½ day medical leave on Friday. I went to clinic and took medical leave on that Friday after dropped better half at Menara Olympia. Around 1pm he returned to home, picked him up at LRT KJ. We forwarded to HL’s HQ to pick up the Herbal Life’s products for Ann, myself and another buyer too. Nearly 3pm we headed to Gombak and stuffed our tummies with nasi campur then we off to hometown. We reached our destination around 10pm, forwarded to Better Half’s house since Mama Wan Rohana asked over me to have dinner with them. I’ve packed my tummy with rice, tomyam, ayam halia, telur bungkus… and… err satey too. Oh! Diet koyak already. *laughs*
Reached hommie around 11pm and mama was there waiting for me. Oh God! I missed her damn much. I was like overjoyed for past 2 days and i’ve spent those days with her =)
On Saturday, I drove to Kb Mall, alone, as we (Ann & me) arranged for the gathering. Yes, this is our 2nd gathering; the previous one by last year if I’m not mistaken and we’ve go through this friendship for almost 2 years. Though she’s far away in Kelantan, but it’s not difficult for us to hook up like others. In fact, she’s one of my close friends, the one who I can be in touch and divulge anything. We’ve spent almost 3 hours there, we had spaghetti bolognaise for lunch, chit-chat, gossiping, cam whoring and she did shopping too. We’ve so much fun and absolutely dear, we’ll meet up again.

In night, mum invited better half to have dinner together with my family. We went to D’kantan, as per suggested by my sis. I’ve never go there before and I was like “oh! Best ke? Okay. Try lah.”
Unexpectedly, when we were there, I noticed that the cashier, a girl, keep fixed her eyes on me, and when I looked at her back, she smiled then I was like OMG, she’s Farah Lyana, my virtual friend, and she spotted Fuad too. The food was delicious and really made our tummies full, the restaurant is scenic and enough said I luff the place. Definitely, we’ll be there again. =)