Please do apologies for the lack of posts during those Raya weeks. I’m back in the office since last Friday but with lots and lots of stuff and paperwork to be done have turned me away from steal a look to this blogsphere.
Hurm…. I’m so tired plus not so well and suffered with bad sore throat and fever. I’m coughing terribly more than a week and my voice missing for 3 days. I'm happy to see my officemate here in the office but I missed my 15-lazing-around-days when I was away but on the other hand thanks to the Raya mood I'm still having.. Albeit I have to say Raya this year is not as fun as the past ones… =) yes, this is what I was sense.. huhuh…I did not join the Solat Raya at mosque as usual with other Muslim as I need to stay at home and lend a hand at kitchen for Nasi Minyak that mama cooked on first day of raya.. We didn’t take any whole family picture as all the family members were busy with eating, chatting and gossiping. Due to lack of time, I didn’t bake any cookies for this year Raya, all the cookies were ordered by Mama and I only managed to buy cakes.Hurm..
I came back from Kelantan on Sunday as better half commenced his work on Monday…so, I have another 4 days leave before I’ll be back to office on last Friday.. As I was unaccompanied last week and fever + bad sore throat + coughing was glue with me, I just toddle at home, munching all Raya cookies which mama bekal kan for me.. anddd still I managed to finish all the cookies within 2 days… *laughs*
I didn’t snapped lots of picture during Raya only some of them and it’ll be uploaded later. I spent my first day Raya with my family, routinely; we had delicious Nasi Minyak cooked by mama on 1st day raya and Lontong on 2nd day.
Yes, u can see the cheery faces we have, on the way to balik kampong =) heeheee'
With Black Baju Kurung Moden and shocking pink scarf on 1st Syawal.
Attended Leen’s Open House last week.. & I managed to meet all my lovely girlfriends! Best =)

**wo-hOOo...i cant wait to have my MTV card!!
shantiknya dia...:)
Dear, what have been invited to my open house this sunday. Details ill post later.
hoho. ni sah gamba drpd hp ko. upload la weh kt facebook.
rara, i tak di invite ke? hehe. kidding je lah.
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