2nd day of Ramadhan
I had a hectic weekend. Sangat-sangat penat sampai tertidur, tak tersedar nak bangun bersahur. Fortunately, mom called and woke me up, tu pun dah pukul 5.30am. haiih… I had cornflakes & fresh milk to full up my tummy. Harap-harap kenyang sampai waktu berbuka.
Last night, berbuka di seafood restoran di Kg Baru, Nang Kam. All the meals that we ordered really comply with our needs. Ikan Siakap masam manis, sayur kailan ikan masin, tom yam ayam, telur dadar and 2 watermelon juices worth rm50.70. Enough to say, memang puas hati, service tip top, all meals sampai on time. Better-half kekenyangan sampai tak leh nk drive ya? *heee heee*
And I managed to grab a watch for ‘him’ yesterday… not for me this time as part of our hantaran list. He seems so happy and gave a cheerful smile sampai ke kereta, as this is the watch which he has been eyeing since 2-3 months ago.
Okay, talk soon.
1 comment:
pasti chantek n mahal kan. keke
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