I know it has been a while since I last updated my diary ….
Hurmmmm… do I have a good apology? Errr.. Let’s just say that these last few weeks have been the hectic that I can remember … it was full with activities and it was so tiring…...
We managed to celebrate Aidiladha with my beloved families, Alhamdulillah; I was given a chance to have a good time with my dearly loved mother & siblings…. Everything was run well, as it should be…
My Wedding!

What’s more?I already steal a pair of off-white shoe from Charles & Keith last few weeks as for my wedding shoe.. teruja & tak sabar nak memakainya….. =) heeeee…. Oh! waitttt… I need to find one more shoes, precisely in gold color for majlis bertandang…. Huhuhu..
Washing machine & fridge have been delivered today… semangat nak menghias rumah! ;)
Herbalife = my daily meal
Yeah… with “suppose to” feeling, terpaksa telan herbalife and pretend its sedap & lazat, every time better-half look and ask me “Sedap, tak?” and he always continue saying that “lagi 2 minggu je, sabar ya…” Diary, as you know, I need to scrap all flabby-flabby things and this plump face before my big day… InsyaAllah…. Good Luck, Ellena (whispering to myself).
Now, I’m controlling myself from certain foods and minum ice … actually, since few months ago… my mum & sisters WARNED me to always have ‘air suam’ instead of cold drink.. =) untuk kesihatan dalaman katanya…. Yes, I must learn to stay away, no matter how much I want it…. Less make-up.. Less jalan malam-malam.. Less oily foods.. And many things lagi… tu semua petua & pantang-larang orang lama-lama… ;) fortunately, I have faith on that, therefore it’s not a difficulty for me… . =)
Wow, how fast time flies… Now it is time for Christmas decorations to go up and the shopping season has officially begun… ohhh… I love this spree! Bessst bangetttt…. Still, I noticed awal-awal lagi better-half forewarn me to not over shopping as I have purchased 6 pieces of outfits from ZARA last week … Okay, Okay, I nodded noiselessly.
Still….last night, managed to grab (though I have to keep myself away from shopping melampau) a piece of blue color, Miss Sixty apparel with puffy sleeve… Sukak ;) and thanks to better half for that designer shades! Errr.. tak sabar nak pakai.. ....
Diary,My life is making a change for the better …. Exactly how i want it to be :) Alhamdulillah…. Syukur…I now need to make sure that the things in my life are aligned to make it as easy as possible to accomplish.
1 comment:
hey dear :)
mesti berdebar debar kann??
me too T_T
hope everythings going well :)
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