Happy Monday! (I luff to pronounce it as ‘mUuunn-deyyyy’ muncungg lebey) heee.
Herm... does seem like a quiet day recently, that I’m not firing away posts about my life, no? *ngee* I reckoned!
Mum and sis Ida was here. They’re staying at along’s house. I was there for 2 days already, so yesterday spent the whole day with better-half since along decided to bring mum jalan-jalan. I woke up in late morning yesterday so didn’t have time to prepare breakfast. Oh! I was so MALAS even to take shake. *sigh* yeah! My diet already ‘koyak’ since mum was here. Oh. Tak boley nk salahkan mama, aku tak ade disiplin! *long sigh* went to KLCC spent the whole day with window shopping with better-half. Oh! I always love spends time with better-half at open-air-Starbucks-café at KLCC & better half do so. We sit-locked our bums and spent for almost 2 hours there, had some chit-chats and to rest our pockets as well. Oh no! Better-half purchased one stripey-simple-t shirt from TopShop and I craved for a pair-of-new-jeans. Im waiting for the next hunting!
Better-half sent me home around 10pm. Tired.
pwwitt! new picture :)
tira suke coffee kat coffee bean >.<
i oso lUff coffee bean :)
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