Hello hips!
Last night, better half & i went to Cinneleisure Damansara to watch this movie, like I said before, cinneleisure is my-first-choice-cinema. The panda named ‘Po’ is so cute and looks cuddly and silly as a kungfu master. For me, that Kung Fu Panda does have a good message about believing in yourself, not judging others on their looks. It is a hilarious movie about a panda doing kung fu. How can you resist? :) Enough said, it’s all well and good, so watch it before it leaves theatre!
*gossip hangat: smlm aku jmpa selebriti terkenal kat Cinneleisure, die pengacara NO1 M'sia, sure korang dah boley agak siapa kan, ni first time aku jumpa dia real dpn mata, he sat beside me & ordering some foods kt cafe kecik dlm Cinneleisure tu, he's wearing AX shirt and LV's foot wear (sorry, aku jenis yg observe orang). die mmg nmpk muda gile, mcm 20an. tp satu yg aku jadi tak suka tibe2, sbb die sangat laaaaa tidakkkkk 'mesra-alam'. seriously, tak mcm die mgacara semua segmen2 die kat tv. enuf said, he's not friendly. ye la, ko celebrity, public-figure, kena lah pandai bawa diri kat public kan. haku BIG FAN ko, da start nyampah dgn ko. cettt!~ muka masam gile. c'mon la.... menci!

aznil kah?
surely u met aznil kan kan?
i da tgk 'po' jugak! besh gle kan kan ?
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