My Devotees
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin...

Sunday, September 28, 2008
facts about myself
Tagged by my dear Athirah.
# Share 7 facts about yourself; some random, some weird.
- I super duper hate leech! Ewwww!!! And any other species that have the same similarity to it, bloodsucker and slimy like it... Pacat pon sama. Boleh pengsan tau.. ewww.
- I love white and I realized that I have lots of white tops and stilettos!
- I can't leave the house without wearing at least 3 inches-high shoes... truth is, that 3inches is one of the factor that boost up my level of confidence for the day...it felt so discomfited if I slipped on my flats. Pakai flats only bila nk drive jauh-jauh.
- I hate horror movie! Kasi tiket free pon tamau. *laughs*
- My weakness (ni kawan2 Uni mesti tahu) is bila orang kejar dari belakang, seriously, I cant run away… memang tak boleh… if ada orang kejar, I’ll stop then akan marah orang yang kejar tu , tatau nape. Sebab tu, masa tadika, tak suka maen kejar-kejar. *laughs*
- I’m the type yang suka buat surprise and I love surprise too. =)
- i love coffee. :)
“Dancing Queen”

Friday, September 26, 2008
I was unfilled today..

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Hari raya is approaching..
Hari raya is approaching and I’m all in the mood for Hari Raya already (yes, before this, I was not in Hari Raya’s mood for the reason of my Hari Raya’s leaves, but no more qualms now. Teeeeheeee). I tot up, 6 days left before we greet Aid-Mubarak! Syoknye! =) anddd… 3 days left before we off to…. “Balik kampong Ooo0 Balik kampong” *laughs* Furthermore, like always, I keep repeating playing all Hari Raya’s songs, oh, I miss my mom so much. =(
Bunch of thanks for Syamiey for this lovely Raya card. :)
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Last 8 Days Of Ramadhan
Before we headed four of us (Paeh & yani coupled together with us too) to SS2 Murni, we forward to Kelana Jaya Pasar Ramadhan for some kueh-mueh, beli satay and popiah basah tapi tak sedap. Huhu. Then we moved to SS2 Murni, yay. Surprisingly, spot better-half’s friends, Azri & Qistina. So we all assembled together. I ordered Seafood Fried Rice, memang sodap and Nasi Lemak Ayam for Better-Half. 1 Ice Blended Mango & 1 Ice Blended Ribena. Kenyang tak terkata. Tee-hee.
And, last night we had watched Black Water at Cathay Cinneplex. I was so maddening sebab tak dapat tengok Mamma Mia. Uhuk! Ropa-ropanye sneak preview’s shows on Saturday. Huh. Black water is being based on true events, this crocodile movie was just okay for me, and it was very suspenseful. The acting is top notch and the camera work and music add to the 'where has it gone!' feel. A must see for suspense fans but I was not IMPRESSED with this movie! The people in it (only 5 actors in this movie, jadi 6 kalo campur BUAYA) with were so stupid and it wasn’t exciting at all. 2/10* huh.

"Three Cheeky monkeys, sitting in a tree,. Teasing Mr Crocodile. "You can't catch me". Along comes Mr Crocodile, quiet as can be and SNAP..."
Friday, September 19, 2008
Piteous Girl.
Yes hips, there 11 days left before we greet Syawal on 1st of October. I miss all the chaos and madness at hommie.. Plus I keep playing on all the Hari raya’s songs in my lappy and it made my mood most awful. I still can hear my mom’s voice urging us (my sister & me, because the rest are married) to do this and that, to wash the curtain and then hang it back, clear the garden, make cookies and plans the menu for the Hari Raya etc. I miss the fighting during breaking fast with sistah… ;) ohh! I missed all those time enjoyed Ramadhan at home. Again, Raya’s song made me miss everyone at home even more. *sob sob*
Oh.. It‘s cold in my office that my fingers were freezing, hurm, thought to wear gloves ;) hehe. Sejuk sangat, okay. Huhu.
Yay! I managed to get a pair of 4 inches, black gorgeous stilettos last night while did Jalan-jalan with better half, finally! ;)
Yesterday, breaking fast party for better-half’s colleagues was held at Restoran Nelayan Titiwangsa and I'd say the party went well.. thanks to better half for the invitation.. =)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Hips, can u imagine that I only entitled Raya leave starting on 1st October and I HAVE TO come to work on 30th September until 4.30pm??? isshhhh… I was like………eee.rasa macam nak.. hurmmhhh.. tak tau la nk cakap apa.. Dim! I was begging like stupid person and end up, I only entitled leave starting on 1st October up to 9th October. How sad. In fact, I told my leader that I really do not wish to take leave on 6th October till 9th October but she said I OUGHT TO. OMG. My boss is so thick! And Stup*d too! Hurghhhhh!
To make my heart feel relieve a bit, i ‘m listening to Raya’s songs in my lappy since morning to now… err... those raya songs makes me miss everyone even more.... sedihh nyee... :(
Urgh! Benci okay! And breakfasting with Better-half’s department at Nelayan Titiwangsa, today cheer-up my mood. Thanks, dear.
I wonder what tomorrow brings….
Trend alert!
Act, my eyes locked on this……

Yes, maxi dress being famous now and u can see this trend on the street.. hurm… but, I be unsure whether I’ll look lovely or not in it, thought to use bolero or light cardigan to cover my bare shoulder. But, cantek ke?...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
And… I rolling on the floor… eh.. tade la.. :P yayyyyy!
My Thought
I went to bazaar ramadhan TTDI last Sunday after watched movie and there’s spread and array of colorful foods to choose from. And all of a sudden my old memories draw closer again to me….. “How fast time flies ya,b” I’ve told better half and he smiled… Yes, before I moved to Ara Damansara last December, I stayed at Lorong Zaaba, Tmn Tun Dr Ismail for almost one and half years. At that moment, better half was not here, he was in Kelantan, working and staying with his family and…. I was far-flung from him... Long Distance Relationship precisely for a year and it’s so dreadful to me… few times I told him that I don’t want LDR happened again because is too pain and tough. Yes, to those who familiar and experienced with LDR, of course they will have the same thought as mine. Don’t you? =) hey, some peoples say that Long Distance Relationship doesn’t work and difficult? Erm, yes a bit tough but its works and we made it successful! :)
A good tip is to always try to keep the conversations even if things are going in your life and i ring him copiously even when i have nothing to say. Better half would ring everyday practically and we would sometimes have nothing to say so it was like he was ringing out of obligation. What’s more, we use SMS to keep in touch more frequently. I always made bonbon hand-made greeting card for him and with hand made cards it can show that u put lots of care and attention into making them. Agree? *tee-hee*
Sometimes I do listen to love songs that remind me of him and remind me of our relationship. We habitually take pictures of everyday activities and send them to each other. Andd.. The most worthy thing is you have to trust your mate.
Yes, we’ve our sweet and bitter moment before. More often than not, better half will flee from Kelantan to KL every two weeks *glint* sometimes every week and he spent his weekend (Saturday & Sunday) here. As early as 4 @ 5am I woke up and picked him up, we did have our breakfast together and it’s priceless for Long Distance Relationship’s couple like us. Oh! I can’t put out of my mind all those old sweet stories.. It’s too sweet to wipe out.. (: Butttt…..thanks God; he’s here now, with me every second and minutes and spends all the precious time together. I pray that this relationship will remain until we move to our new leg … (: Insya Allah.
Okay, back to the Bazaar Ramadhan, so as that it's breaking fast for two this year, the menu can't be instant noodles or bread with Kaya anymore heheh. Last Sunday is a special treat for us as it was our first time went to Bazaar Ramadhan for this year, I managed to have Nasi Kerabu, Ayam Percik, Puding Caramel, Soya Bean, Air Kelapa, Kuih Bakar, Kebab Malawati and etc.. etc.. and.. nasib baek Mr Fuad dah jelling-jeling so I have to avoid myself from ogle on those variety of delicious food. Huhuh! Yes, yes, I know, I’m the type yang sukak beli banyak-banyak and in the end buang je sebab bile dah makan nasi, so perut kenyang, mcm nk meletop, so all the kueh-kueh tak pandang lagi, then membazir….. masya Allah.. *giggles*
Maybe it is spirit of Ramadhan; better-half enlighten me yesterday, that he already pass the probation for the post of ____ and I’m so pleased for that.. Congrats dear, like I said before, u deserved for this… :) hey hey… don’t break the promise ya, a BIG treat at Madam Kwan’s, of course. *laughs*
Though I'm so tempted to buy new shoes, I have to refrain the wanting as we visited a few shops in the One Utama such as Aldo, Lewre, Clarks, Blay, U.R.S & Inc. And etc.. but no one was catching my eyes… somehow, this happened:
B: “Ni Lawa Ni…”
Me: “Uh, Rendah Je…Tamau... (I’m Looking For 3 @ 4 Inches Shoes)”
B: “Ha…Ni Lawa….”
Me: “Eee.. Die Punya Atas Tuh Mcm Besar Je.. Tak Lawa *Laughs* ”
B: “Yang, nie.., Okay Ni Yang, Cube Try...”
Me: “Ala…Macam Tinggi Sangat Je…”
B: “ Nie, yang…. (Sambil Pointing Kat Kasot Tuh)"
Me: “Errrmmm.. Lawa Ke? Color Die Mcm Tak Lawa Je.. *Laughs* ”
End up, I bought NOTHING. Heheh. I’m not so picky kan?.. But… I’m looking the finest for my coming Raya…
eh! B, kite belum tgk Nine West lg…. :) huhuhu. Nanti-nanti la….
Monday, September 15, 2008
It's a Poor Comedy

Better Half, Faiz and I went to One Utama yesterday to do some
Friday, September 12, 2008
Next week, I’ll have a gathering of department for berbuka puasa 20th September and we are heading for Muara Ikan Bakar, Klang. Then on 18th September, we will have colleagues gathering for berbuka puasa too at JW Marriot sponsored by ING.
Hurm.. what else.. ah. I should stop from writing this crap things :) tee-hee What shall I have for berbuka puasa today?.. erm.. yes, nasi kerabu. Oh! Craving. Craving.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I am not a flip flop girl!
I need a new pair of Raya’s shoes. Have you got yours, people?
Essentially, I’m looking for a pair of stilettos for this becoming Syawal, in black indeed. I’m be mad about peep stilettos compared to stripy heels.. I, for one, tend to always fall for the same type of shoes….

When I put them on, I’ll feel more confident, more alive and more
I quite hatred stripy heels, maybe because it’ll cause feet ache or zebra tan lines if u wear it throughout the day….
I goggle and i have a weakness for this..

and this lip-smacking stilettos...
I was eyeing for these stilettos for ages already… It’s so… hurm… scrummy… oh! I better get the black one… huhuh.. oh! today is 11th, sixteen days to go for salary... :(
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Last Weekend, I was with Zohan

Regardless, the movie is plain stupid, funny and it made me laughed…. But…it’s still made my stomach-churning. Huhu..
Mamma Mia movie will be in the theatre soon and i can’t wait for that… ;)

un-inspired blogger
Yes, I had a quick “sahur” at 5am this morning with white rice and fried chicken.
For buka puasa yesterday, better half and I drove to Kg Baru, we managed to get together with Abg Long, Kak Long and better half’s close friend to break fast.
People, please excuse this un-inspired blogger… *sigh*
hmm...cant wait for buka puasa...what shall I have today?

Thursday, September 04, 2008
On The Other Day On Hunger Strike...
Salam Ramadhan.
Alas, we failed to buy any foods from Bazar ramadhan (ohhh I was so rindu to call it Baram, I missed my student’s cycle. how fast time flies ya.) due to we come to a sticky end to park my baby Neo…. Huh huh. So people, today, I’m looking forward to have no less than nasi campur for breaking my fast.. I’m wish to… huhu.
Since I have nothing much to rant about, let me put up all the period of my previous days… :)
Mann… she managed to munch eat 2 slices of Super Supreme Pizza and two pieces of chicken wings.. Ohh.i cant believe it! Demn….
During Ramadhan, our working hours is until 4.30pm. yeay! It’s 4.16pm already, a few minutes left…. Yay!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Gobble up?
Hello people.
Salam Ramadhan. Today is the third day in this enormous fasting month.
It takes almost a week for me to update this blog as I was on leave and went back to hometown.
Mannn…in fact, I wanna blog and talk more and upload more pictures. But I am consumed with too much kerinduan pada keluarga…so nanti-nanti lah.. *sad*
I just wanna do nothing now :)
fikir-fikir…apa juadah untuk berbuka nanti..
Should I choose “nasi campur”or “nasi tomato”or “nasi beriyani”…errmm.. ohh i so-want “ayam golek”.. but, Taufu-fa is a must! *grins*