My Devotees

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Thought

I went to bazaar ramadhan TTDI last Sunday after watched movie and there’s spread and array of colorful foods to choose from. And all of a sudden my old memories draw closer again to me….. “How fast time flies ya,b” I’ve told better half and he smiled… Yes, before I moved to Ara Damansara last December, I stayed at Lorong Zaaba, Tmn Tun Dr Ismail for almost one and half years. At that moment, better half was not here, he was in Kelantan, working and staying with his family and…. I was far-flung from him... Long Distance Relationship precisely for a year and it’s so dreadful to me… few times I told him that I don’t want LDR happened again because is too pain and tough. Yes, to those who familiar and experienced with LDR, of course they will have the same thought as mine. Don’t you? =) hey, some peoples say that Long Distance Relationship doesn’t work and difficult? Erm, yes a bit tough but its works and we made it successful! :)
A good tip is to always try to keep the conversations even if things are going in your life and i ring him copiously even when i have nothing to say. Better half would ring everyday practically and we would sometimes have nothing to say so it was like he was ringing out of obligation. What’s more, we use SMS to keep in touch more frequently. I always made bonbon hand-made greeting card for him and with hand made cards it can show that u put lots of care and attention into making them. Agree? *tee-hee*
Sometimes I do listen to love songs that remind me of him and remind me of our relationship. We habitually take pictures of everyday activities and send them to each other. Andd.. The most worthy thing is you have to trust your mate.

Yes, we’ve our sweet and bitter moment before. More often than not, better half will flee from Kelantan to KL every two weeks *glint* sometimes every week and he spent his weekend (Saturday & Sunday) here. As early as 4 @ 5am I woke up and picked him up, we did have our breakfast together and it’s priceless for Long Distance Relationship’s couple like us. Oh! I can’t put out of my mind all those old sweet stories.. It’s too sweet to wipe out.. (: Butttt…..thanks God; he’s here now, with me every second and minutes and spends all the precious time together. I pray that this relationship will remain until we move to our new leg … (: Insya Allah.

Okay, back to the Bazaar Ramadhan, so as that it's breaking fast for two this year, the menu can't be instant noodles or bread with Kaya anymore heheh. Last Sunday is a special treat for us as it was our first time went to Bazaar Ramadhan for this year, I managed to have Nasi Kerabu, Ayam Percik, Puding Caramel, Soya Bean, Air Kelapa, Kuih Bakar, Kebab Malawati and etc.. etc.. and.. nasib baek Mr Fuad dah jelling-jeling so I have to avoid myself from ogle on those variety of delicious food. Huhuh! Yes, yes, I know, I’m the type yang sukak beli banyak-banyak and in the end buang je sebab bile dah makan nasi, so perut kenyang, mcm nk meletop, so all the kueh-kueh tak pandang lagi, then membazir….. masya Allah.. *giggles*

Maybe it is spirit of Ramadhan; better-half enlighten me yesterday, that he already pass the probation for the post of ____ and I’m so pleased for that.. Congrats dear, like I said before, u deserved for this… :) hey hey… don’t break the promise ya, a BIG treat at Madam Kwan’s, of course. *laughs*

Though I'm so tempted to buy new shoes, I have to refrain the wanting as we visited a few shops in the One Utama such as Aldo, Lewre, Clarks, Blay, U.R.S & Inc. And etc.. but no one was catching my eyes… somehow, this happened:

B: “Ni Lawa Ni…”
Me: “Uh, Rendah Je…Tamau... (I’m Looking For 3 @ 4 Inches Shoes)”
B: “Ha…Ni Lawa….”
Me: “Eee.. Die Punya Atas Tuh Mcm Besar Je.. Tak Lawa *Laughs* ”
B: “Yang, nie.., Okay Ni Yang, Cube Try...”
Me: “Ala…Macam Tinggi Sangat Je…”
B: “ Nie, yang…. (Sambil Pointing Kat Kasot Tuh)"
Me: “Errrmmm.. Lawa Ke? Color Die Mcm Tak Lawa Je.. *Laughs* ”

End up, I bought NOTHING. Heheh. I’m not so picky kan?.. But… I’m looking the finest for my coming Raya…
eh! B, kite belum tgk Nine West lg…. :) huhuhu. Nanti-nanti la….

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