Last Weekend, I was with Zohan
We went and watched the latest comedy from Adam Sandler, You Don’t Mess With The Zohan last week. Enough said, the whole movie was full of laughter and some UNCENSORED scenes, andddd… it’s SO DISGUSTING, GUYS! Haihh. Seriously, my mind keeps wondering, why this movie entitled for ‘tontonan umum’…
ya, ya, I am errr..serious-taker. So? Regardless, the movie is plain stupid, funny and it made me laughed…. But…it’s still made my stomach-churning. Huhu.. Mamma Mia movie will be in the theatre soon and i can’t wait for that… ;)
haha. i d/l je that movie. seriously uncensored rite? hahaha. macammane lah bley lepas U. mammamia!!
nampak glowing..lawa..(melting)..
errkk, i mean ellena la, bukan her bf..hiihi
+ rara, yes dear!! sgt disgusting. heeeeeiiissshh! i jadi malu plak plak tengok... hehhee...
+ syamiey, mane de dear... :P
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