I managed to accomplish most of outdoor activities. Though it’s not easy to overcome fear of height but at least, I managed to climb 12 feet wall with full support & assistance from all of the superb team members. Bravo, Ellena.
When I came back to work on Monday morning, one of my office mate give me out a question “best tak pi team building?”
Honestly, it’s just so-so. It was unremarkable moment for me. I noticed, all the colleagues are still feeling the “heat” & “fire” of it, but not me. When I stepped into office on Monday’s morning, they did a very out, loud-mouthed war-cry, but I silently, wordlessly sit at my place with unpleasant, nasty smile and down face.
Straight from my shoulder, it was moderately good for ME. I was not really motivated. What have caused it happened? Personally, something is bothering my mind since a week ago which I was not supposed to amass that “thing” with me all through team engagement days.
Too bad, this weedy Ellena let this sticky situation winning her mind throughout those days. I was not okay at all and I knew all colleagues noticed about this gloomy girl. I gave bad smiles to others. I refused to do few things. I let myself single-handedly and toddle around the resort unaccompanied.
And to my Transformers team members:
Sorry for ‘saying no’ for a number of activities & thank you for those who had replaced me.
Sorry for being unhappy and sluggish team member.
Sorry for being jaded.
Sorry for the all unpleasant smiles.
Fortunately, on the Halloween night, my mood was back to normal. We performed a drama and surprisingly we won the second place.

That night, we danced, we sang songs together and enough said I really-really get pleasure from that moment. I had a good time with my colleagues.
Thank you to my better-half who made an effort to wake up in early morning, without having mealtime together and drove me to Seremban, dissimilar with others who were taking bas to reach there. Heart you, so much.
I’m still jaded till this moment….
teringat zaman dara pujaan dulu2. ko mmg akan semangat everytime ade aktiviti tari menari atau drama. i miss those moment. i am!! :(
wei. rindu ko. ktorg sume dah jarang jumpe. dah jarang gelak bersama. zaman kerja tak best!!!!! nak balek zaman dulu. :(
ya, masa aku practice for this performance pun, aku teringat kan masa zaman kita dulu2... aku sll bersemangat kan.. tapi skrg dah tak de semangat cam dlu da... huhuuh..
yeah.. i miss those moments too. sedeh nye.. sume dah bsr kan... =(
hi ellena...ingat saya lg tak??hehehe...bestnye berhalloween party;p
puas dok cri ane ellena :)
wah custom + make up die..
cam besh jek..
if hantu cam ni..xdela scared sgt :P
puas dok cri ane ellena :)
wah custom + make up die..
cam besh jek..
if hantu cam ni..xdela scared sgt :P
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