Dear diary,
At last, better-half and I managed to load our apartment with our first stuff, shoe rack last week. To be precise, DIY shoe rack =) contented tau… bersusah payah tau nk siapkan this little thing… hurm.. At last, better-half able to finish it off. 

By tonight, our bedroom set will be delivered follow with new washing machine and fridge by next week. Sukak! =)
"Hunting Day" for home appliances & home decoration akan bermula next week =) hohoho. excited. definetely, Ikea is bothering my mind... =)

Alhamdulillah…… Moga ALLAH s.w.t permudahkan segalanya.. All the sweet and bitter things happened during swapping to new house will remain in my mind evermore..
wah. new home for new phase of life!! kaler purple ke pink tu kak ayu oi?
nnt sile la buat open house for new weds!! aku lak jd x sabo nk kawen. hahahahah
suka kan eleena..
bler dh nk msk alam baru
terasa xcited sgt2
++ tang nk dcorate umah nie..
hup both of u
happy sokmo
suka kan eleena..
bler dh nk msk alam baru
terasa xcited sgt2
++ tang nk dcorate umah nie..
hup both of u
happy sokmo
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