My Devotees

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My stubborn fats!

It is harder and distressing to lose weight after a c-section. Oh ya, mungkin ramai yang tak tahu, saya terpaksa melalui satu emergency c-section due to overdue for over than a week. Labor for Qaseh was slow to begin jadi saya perlu melalui labor induction,dan memandangkan keadaan agak berisiko, keputusan di buat oleh Dr Zul untuk emergency cesarean . Better-half was attended the surgery and be a source of my strength plus share the experience in the labor. It was a sweet but spine-chilling moment to be remembered.

I had the c-section almost 9 months ago, but I feel like I am stuck at my current weight which I hate...luckily i managed to poot-on my old jeans =) weee.

Hey! How to lose weight fast? please shareeeee..........i percaya berjuta orang melalui C-section & i believe there must be a way to lose the stomach area and feel good again. I want to feel good again :( yaa, it will take time though.... sabar. sabar.

1 comment:

Nurul PB said...

hi gorgeous ellena,

i do understand what feel.

please reed this link coz I am sure that it will work wonders on you.

every women deserve to be beautiful. lol :)