My Devotees

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

. Celebrity Fitness . =]

5:57 PM 28/02/2007
ey blogger!!=) many days, x jenguk2 snie.thanks for all fwens who dropped ur comments here. :*
yesterday, we registered at celebrity fitness at OU.sgt teruja.waaa =]after lunch kat Gombak (g Gombak since ana tertinggal her hp], then lunch & makan ns ulam.hohoh.shangat rendu makan ns ulam..
then got call from Vicky (Celebrity Fitness's consultant) since da promised wif him nk dtg celebrity fitness.tewus bertolak g TTDI balek, the g OU.hoho.
sgt penat but we are excited. =))
hahahVicky bwk we all jalan2 & terangkan everything..bile tengok sauna room + yoga class + aerobic class, we all teruja..sangat teruja..cant wait nk start our first class (hoping dat tak hangat2 taik ayam =)) haha ) there's so many dancin classes at celebrity fitness.. i am sure it's really fun.. i love salsa class & latin class too :* cant wait.cant wait.
heheh. =) ade yoga, pilates, dancing class (salsa,latin, jazz, hip hop & etc etc etc), aerobic class, gym & so many programmes..we subscribed & paid rm 397 for the first payment =) Hopefully, lps ni selalu dtg & jgn malas2 lagik..hohoho
& to dzihni, dun ever give up to give the moral support =) **ngee**

around 5pm, received call from Vicky again, he asked whether we will come @ not the dancing class today..i am intrested but since ana off duty today & balek kg, so x dapat la nk g class tuh..(even bley g sowang, tp maw tggu ana gak)ahaks. =)

td g Lorong Zaaba, TTDI wif Kak Nurul.hurm, g nengok2 rumah yg bakal nk pindah nex week.rumah tuh ok la.fully furnished except for the bed.x kesah la, since me da ada tilam.that house ade Astro + Streamyx + washing machine + TV, fridge, gas stove..erm..quite okey la.. & all the future housemates friendly sumenye.,rasa mcm dlm family,decided nk rent that house.Kak Nurul sgt baek & she will be my future roomate.die sggup nk dtg amek barang kt Sg Besi & pindahkn ke rumah baru.. =) i feel very lucky.hopefully dat, nuthing bad story will happen.,.,Insyaallah.pls pray for me. =)

tommorrow, suppose, ade interview for the position of Project Engineer at Sri hartamas & today i got the missed call from that company,.,i thought that somebody call to re-confirm again the appoinment.hurm...em confusing whether wanna go there or not...tommorrow is my off day...huhuh.still confuse..huhu.

& on friday 2nd of March, i also got an interview as a Sales & Marketing Executive at Cheras..still tataw gak nk g @ tak..hurm.act, hati nie nk balek keje kt kelantan.....hohoho.....

till here.. =)

. she's missing someone endlessly . & she's confusing.

Monday, February 26, 2007

. bowling wif Ana .

nothing much to jot down here for the 2/3 days ago.hurm.
everything's went as per normal.
yesterday, maen bowling ngan ana kt Ou Bowl.
waa!~ sgt excited, since da a few months x maen bowling.
tp smlm maen 1 game je, then lunch.
we chose A&W for our lunch.
then, after lunch, g Celebrity Fitness..hohoh.hajat hati, nk usha2 jer.
then their consultant entertained us.
waa!!~ sgt besh bile masok Celebrity Fitness..sgt teruja.adeyy =] & we decided nk join dat class starting nex month.. dancing class!!! yes! act, i luv dancing.hehe.
& we will take this oppurtunity,.,. hohohoh..come.come.dancing.

Friday, February 23, 2007

. damn stupid.

seriously sangatttt bengangggg!!!
janji bodoh.,.,
seriesly la!! geram sey!!..
huhu nk nanges.
da janji elok2 nk bayar deposit rumah esok, ley lak si tuan rumah bangang tuh msg, she said she already bg rumah tuh kt owang laen. bila kal die, dgn selamba ayam je, x de rasa bersalah, die ckp sowy la...bodo nyeee!! arghh. whut the heck!!..
sorry...i'm really pissed off.
sgt gerammm..

Thursday, February 22, 2007

. Things Happen For a Reason .

I am a strong believer that things happen for a reason.... =)
like Aydelyn says : in 'angau'ness mode
seriously in 'angau'ness,.,haha.wif who?,.,hurm.only me noe bout it.,. =) ngeee**
one thing dat i can describe bout him is soft-spoken . the way he's talking really attract me.
confession: i'm missing him everyday....

. Compasionate Leave . Al-Fatihah .

8:57 AM 22/02/2007

harini, everything goes wrong.tataw nape.apa yg tak kene.mgkin keadaan mama yg tak sehat & br dpt berita yg satu2nya pakcik yg ade, dah pulang ke rahmatullah kol 4pg td.huhuh.& bile datang office pg ni, rasa cam tabesh, cam ade tak kene. =(
i took Compasionate Leave for 2 days & 1 off day, since 3 days ago, kol 930 pm, along dpt call & her's brother-in-law yg rapat ngan along dah meninggal..huhuh.then, along bersiap2 nk balek dat nite.aku lak br je balek kel last week.adey, nk balek ke x nak..last2 lps pk2, pahtu call Devinder, decided balek gak laaa, ikot along.. ngee** =) so lps g balai polis Cheras utk uruskn cuti abg ipar aku, kitorg pon bertolak lah balek Kel. huhuh. riangnye ati nk balek nk jmpa mama,., konvoi 2 buah kete, sbb adek abg ipar aku tuh nk alek sama.. =) then, around 3am, tayar lak pecah kt tgh jalan, adey, so turun dr kete, x kan nk tercongok lam kete lak biarpun abg ipar x soh tuwun pon sbb sejukkk sgt.,.tp, takpelah..lps 15mnt tukar tyr, kiteorg teruskn balek perjalanan ke kg.huhu..kali nie, balek kg, rs sayu, teringat 2 thn yg lps, 12/12/04, balek kg sbb arwah abah x de. =( sgt rindukan arwah abah..hohoho.
then smpi Kel around 630am, sedar2 je dah kat Kg Bakong, Pasir Mas, rumah arwah abang ipar along.. hoho.sayu je kt rumah tuh, punya la ramai org kt rumah tuh..then, kiteorg naek ats rumah & tgk arwah..then, dr kol 630am smpi ke petang dok kt rumah arwah..huhu sgttt penatt & ngantok..dengan x mandi nye..,,.,huhu.kesian lak kat mama, asek kal ty bile nk alik rumah.,. dr urusan kafankn mayat sehingga solat jenazah, aku maseh dok kt situ..saat yg paling sedey bile masa nk tutup mayat arwah & org yg kafankan jenazah tuh mtk sedara terdekat utk kucup mayat bwat kali terakhir...masa tuh jd sedey sgt, sbb me x smpt kucup arwah abah dlu plus x smpt tgk arwah bwat kali terakhir.. huhu..then arwah di solatkan jenazah then bersiap2 tuk bawk turun ke kubur..huhuh.masa tuh along da separuh mati menanges..hohoh.mgkin sbb along terlalu rapat ngan arwah & anggp cam abg die hy mampu tgk along je.,.,huhuh.around 630pm,baru lah balek umah, dr jauh nampak mama, da jerit2,., hahaha =)) i missed her so much!!! ~ Al-fatihah bwat arwah,moga ditempatkan dikalangan org yg beriman~

around 8mlm, sume dlm rumah nmpak mama laen benar..hoho.dat tyme ngah mandi & siap2 nk g bus station..the Eda dtg bitaw,mama nmpak laen, ckp pon melalut, da pucat..huhu..adeyy!!~ napa lah benda2 cani jd mase nk dtg KL masok bilik tgk mama, she's occay, sgt pucat., then bile kteorg ajak die berbual, percakapn die laen, sedikit melalut & dr situ kteorg taw yg sbnrnya mama x taw pe yg dibual kan.,..hohoh.. me da cuakk!!!~ ya ALLAH, x ske nye situation nak nanges pon bersiap ala kadar..terus masuk dok sebelah mama, she looked tired..huhu.kekeadang die terlelap..huhuh. then sampai kt station bas, jln Hamzah, me mtk abg letakkan kt tepi jalan je & trus hantr mama g hosp..huhu. before tuwun kete, smpt salam her & hugged her, tightly.,.huhu. she looked in my eyes & dat tyme da x ley nk kwl perasaan da, teros nanges & cpt2 kuar kete sbb x mo bg die sedey,.,.then mama kt kecemasa..,DR said, mama kurang darah so kne hospitalize.hohoh.dlm bas semalam, sgt tak sedap hati, hati rasa berat je.. x dpt nk lelapkn mata even badan sgtt penattt.. =( huhuh. then call Eda a few times juz nk taw keadaan mama camne..hohoh. td sampai kt hentian putra kol 430am.., argh.,.sgt awl pg.,sgt ngantok since semalam x titow ats bus.juz melayan mata,.,hohoh.hurm, then lepak jap kt hentian putra, around 6am, menapak g kt tren.naek tren then smpi BTS then amek cab.,.,hoho.smpi je umah, trus baring jap, sbb tak larat.,.,hohoh.then siap2 g opis.,.suddenly, dpt msg dr Eda said that pak cik lak meninggal.,., adeyy!! napa nie.,., =( huhuhu..,. then call mama, ingt nk borak wif her, but die ngah tidow lg, so takpe lah, siap2 then dtg opis..!~

Saturday, February 17, 2007

. Lovers .

i'd just read aydelyn's blog,.,

it's all about love,.,

huhu,.maybe we're in the same condition.,yeah, i want to meet my soulmate too,., i'm not desperate, maybe it's sounds crazy, but i juz want "somebody",., who is always be wif me, in thick @ thin, cry @ laugh, sad @ happy.,.someone who will always give his 'shoulder' for me to cry on.,when i look at his eyes, i know that he's the one for me.,all i can do is think about him..i will dont know how love feels till i meet him.,i want that somebody, who will show me the light, show me the love & show me my future.,.,for me that's secret luv.

.painful ending.

OH GOD Its hurts so bad, when i lost my luv...when i left him, all can i do is cry..,., so stupid, i believe that he's my first life, first luv, the best man,..,but it's not true.,.Things moved really fast between us..This relationship may not have ended the way I wanted it to but sometimes you just have to let go..It hurts but everyday I get stronger..

Friday, February 16, 2007

.watched Ghost Rider.


still in office.sitting beside Anna,., & now taking my PRB,.,huhu.,so tired today + xde mood + moody.,

yesterday, had fun wif farah, watched G.h.o.s.t R.i.d.e.r wif farah 0so.,. sgt beshh!!~ Nicholas cage so cool,.,awl2 pagi lg, g Sogo.,. tggu farah kt sogo since da janji jmpa there. then, farah smpai, "makan2" first.,
we chose food court' sogo,., i decided mkn Crispy popia, since da lama x mkn & sngat 'mengidam'.,. hahah =))
and farah juz amek ns grg pattaya.,.,afta makan2.,.pusing2 sogo, dat tyme maseh x ramai org.,.so we decided g Midvelly & nengok G.h.o.s.t R.i.d.e.r,., yeah, Nicholas Cage so cool same as Eva Mandes..,.,jalan cerita yg menarik.,.around 1.55 pm, wif a big box of caramel Pop Corns, in row H11, we are watching G.h.o.s.t R.i.d.e.r,., finished around 4pm.,. then pusing2 midvel., so bored plus my hp having low of battery.,huhu.,.
jalan2 lagik.,. minom2 ngan farah & bersembang.,., so many things kteorg borak kan, like so long tyme x jmpa.,. sembang psl my stories & her stories.,.her Hamed, bout shooping.,.bout shoes, bout luv, bout career life,., =) so happy.,

around 7pm, my hearting beating fast.,., so fast,.,like cam sumting happened.,.hurm ,.,and hp lak x de battery, so rasa cam sangat tabesh.,. tetibe my "sixth sense" rasa cam sumting happened kt mama, changed hp wif farah, turned on her hp wif my simkad in it..,. i got 11 missed call & a few messages.,. one of them from my sis, Eda,., "Ayu, call back.Kecemasan!" that's all & my heart dah mcm nk luruh.,.,. =(( huwaaa!! nk nages je.,., kan da agk sumting bad happened. =( pahtuh terus call my kakak & she said, mama kt Kecemasan Hosp Sains Kubang Kerian..,.,what happened?,., she said, mum look tired & pale, nmpak mcm nk pitam, so abg ary & her took mama g hosp.. & she passed the hp to mum.,. heard her voice & i smiled, tp rasa cam nk nanges.,. hohohoh.,., rs cam nk terbang balek rumah.,., adeyy.,., =( she said that she's getting well & advised me x yah balek sbb die ok..hurm.,. so sedikit lega bile dpt ckp ngan die sendiri..huhuhu.,., erm.,.tataw camne nk face this life if sumting bad happen to her.,., =( since abah passed away almost 2 years, i only have her,.,who's always wif me.,.in cry & laugh.,. she's always there for me.,.,then around 1030pm, call her up, & Eda picked up the call, she said, mama da kuar hosp & sekarang ngan mkn., hohoh.,. Alhamdulillah.,,., syukur sgtt.,. huhu., then ckp ngan die sekejap, advised her untuk makan ubat.,., she understood.. =)

dear mUm, thanks, you have been there for me 24/7 through thick and thin..I want to thank you for everything, mum, everything you have taught me in life..
luv mum :*

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

happy V day!!~

12:05 PM 14/02/2007

i'm sitting beside Amran.,. hoho.,.today, nope really sebuk sgt.,. call biasa je., hurm., i'm hungry lol!~ today masok keje kol 930am..,.,
yeah, today is V day,., =) eppy V day for all of u guys!~ Luv.luv.
by dis morning, i received call from BESKOM TEKNOLOGI SDN BHD. Alhamdulillah, i was shortlisted for 2nd interview, for the position of Project Engineer.. hohoh-,., i'm confused whether nk g ke tak esok.,.x taw cane..adeyy!~ =( sgt2 confused. sgt tataw nk wat keputusan cane,.da la jauh.,Sri Hartamas.,
still think about it,,.,
& esok is my off-day, so planned nk jmpa farah,.huhuhu.,

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

. kerinduan .

3:58 PM 13/02/2007
kerinduan pd all my besh buddies.. leen, cik mah, eja, aki, mira, aini, umi,., since da keje, didnt have much time nk melawat dey all kat Uniten,.nk hang-out pon agak susah coz dey all too busy wif all asgments & club diorang.,. huhu.,.eventho jarang jumpa, tp hakikatnye diri ni tak pernah melupakan dey all.,., =) really mish them all so muchh!~ goshh~!! i really mish u alll..
to all my sayangs: As I look back on my past,.,I remember the jokes I laughed at,., the things I missed and lost, ,.but there's one thing I'll never regret,.,it's the day you all become my friend,., =)

With love and devotion,

Monday, February 12, 2007

. kosong .

639pm, 12feb07

i'm keep repeating The promise Ring's song,., uhuhu. exausted,.,so penat.,hrni keje byk melalut., =)) gelak sowang2 kat opiS.,
seawl 530am pg td, da sampai hentian putra,,., then menapak ke Star,.,hoho.,.sangatt mengantokk,.,rasa cam nk tidow je ats jalan tuh.,., adeyy!!~ then tggu lak, tren tuh bukak.,. smpt lg titow kejap,.,da la semalam kne tggl ngan bas,., =(( argghh!! rasa cam nk nanges pon ader,..,. isk.,.so bangang driver bas tuh.,.naseb bek Abg ary smpt kejar,.kalau x, mau AWOL keje hrni.,. hohoh.,then nek ats bas, trus lelap,.,so penat,.,hrni masok keje kol 11am, da la lwt 20 mnt, caused cari kunci kete x jumpa2,.then g boh myk dlu, then br dtg opis.,.huhu.,.so banyak yg tak kene today.,.since me penat & x larat, layan customer pon endak x endak jer,,.hehe., =))
then break kol 3, lunch ngan Ana.,.she wanted PIzza Hut, so terpaksa la, since Ana nk makan pizza plus me nk Spaghetti Bolognise =) heheh then, g piza,.,
0oochh!!!~ missed mama kt umah.,. giler2 nye rindu.,. hurm.,.,missed somebody to0.,., =) huhu.,
dont have much to say.,.,

,, out ,,

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


8:34 AM 07/02/2007

i'm in opis now.kat sebelah ni ade cekgu Raznan & kat depan ni ade Rahmat.hurm.,.i'm not well today.i'm sick.i got flu & cam tabesh since x sehat nie..semalam smpi umah around 8 sumting.hoho.penat.smpi je umah, kemas umah, clear kan sinki & kuar ngan along jap, then balek umah, ingt nk mamam tp sbb da xsehat so xde selera nk mamam.juz tidowww..,., gosshhh!!!~ sangat bengangggg,.,tiket bas x beli camne nk balek mlm nie...adeyyyy!!~ x ley nk mtk tlg tol! huhu so skarang ni, x taw la ley balekkg ke x...
=( huhu. i'm getting sick.. nk bercakap pon da x larat.huhu. plan japg nk g clinic break kol 11 jap g.. huhu..

2.31 PM
hoho.ngah da g clinic..huhu.Doc ckp da ade tonsil sekt dlm tekak, so Dr bg ubat batuk + Antibiotik & unt saket tekak,., hoho. and..x lupa jgk Dr pesan jgn minom ais & mkn pedas2 also..hoho.okeh!!~ sebelum balek ofis, smpt singgah beli soya cincau =)) haha. minom ais la aku niey.
td called abg Sof, upernye die x beli tiket lgik & die tataw pon nk balek mlm nie.. adeyyyy!!!~ gosshhhh!! geram nyeee... =( *sob sob*

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

fwen =)

to my bestest fwen: farah Iylia fauzi
Smiles and tears, giggles and laughs, late night calls and cute photographs. I'll be there for you until the day of my death, best friends forever until my very last breath.....

Is This Love?

"How do you know if it is really love?"

for me..luv is such a strange, wonderful thing dat nobody really has codified what it is yet..& to further complicate matters, there are so many different kinds of love: the love you feel for a friend, a family member, a sport or even a pet.. huhu..When u luv someone, u want to be with them..Not just be with them, but share everything with them..u have a great day at work and want to rush home and tell them every wonderful thing that has happened. u feel excited at the prospect of just being in their company, just being close to them isn't enough, u want to be a part of them, a part of their life forever..u can't stand the thought of being away from them yet...u can almost feel what they are feeling...That to me is love.

Is It Worth It?

3:44 PM 06/02/2007
i'm sick today.not really well.i got sore-throat.bdn dah mula panas.esok kol 9pm naek bas balek hometown.i missed those at home.really miss them.esok keje kol 7am.sgttt awl pagii..tataw camne nk bangun seawl 5 pg tuk siap2 ke ofis.hurmm..i'm getiing tired these few days.lps balek keje, dinner, kms umah, trus penat.exhausted.huhuh.. and today, benda yg x sepatotnya happen, happened. OMG!~ tataw nk ckp camne, so sedey,., terlepas tarikh online UPU..huhuh.goshh!!

Monday, February 05, 2007

meatball bolognise spaghetti =) yummy!!

5:28 PM 05/02/2007

huhu.i'm happy today!! hohoh. =) dis morning, i left my workstation & went to the Maybank T.T.D.I & deposited the ceheque.done!!~ =)then tapau mkn & mkn kt pantry.,.alone.,.,=)hehe.

then lunch, Ana ajak lak g mamam kt Pizza Hut.,..hohoho.ana ney, tyme2 duwet x de lah nk makan pizza.. hehehe.then p mkan amek meatball bolognise spgahetti je =) so sedap,.,& so kenyang..then g KiOsk, ty psl vacancy kt situ utk Adney, manager tuh mtk Adney dtg tuk intvw & i do as per told =)

huhu.then solat, lps tuh ley la terlelap ms kt surau wif ana =) hehe.then i got called.somebody from somewhere *sbb ms tuh ngah mamai, then x ingt pe yg die ckp, cume ingt basic salary je =)) hahah * then she fix an appoinment for me on this becoming wednesday,11 am.huhu.ingt nk nex week,tp x dapat lak, too late she said hohoho!!~ erm,., wondering.,.tataw nk g ke tak.. adey!!

Lovescopes for geminian:
You may be feeling on edge, as a current situation just does not suit you anymore. It's time to wipe the slate clean and make a brand new start. The planets lay your sense of duty very firmly on the line... =)

"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back it's yours, if it doesn't it never was." Do u think there's truth to that quote?.. huhuhu =) i believe dat its no use running afta someone who broke up with just makes you look like an idiot and it doesn't achieve anything.. =P am i rite?

04 february 2007

5:36 PM 04/02/2007

huhuh.a few days x jot sumting here. huhu. baru balek OU ngan Ana.,. g lunch dgn Ana.,. mkn ns ayam.,.tp ns aym tuh x besh.,.huhuh.,.mcm x worth it je mkn ns ayam tuh. Ana & me masing2 x habeskn nye.,. hehu. last nite, balek dr midvely, rs x x sehat, kat midvelly lg rs x sehat.,.,huhuh.,.rs nk tumbang je, pahtuh balek awl & my fwen sent me home. balek umah je tewus titow,., huhu.,.pening + x larat, sume ade.,.maybe efek dr ubt yg me amek,.,huhu.,tidow pon awl,.,so tired. huhuh., bgun pg, siap2 dtg opis.hrni keje pg till 9.30pm. then break td, g OU ngan Ana =) haha.sempat lg g OU, break 4 jam. lunch td, emy dtg TTDI, juz borak2 minom ngan emy, die br balek kls.huhu.

arghh!~ bile g OU, rase tabesh gile,,.,., sebab.,.... ngah SALE~ =) haha.sngt pantang tgk SALE,, & my mulot x hbes2 mengomel ngan Ana, tabesh nye gaji x deposit cheque lgik.,hehe =) my eyes bling bling x) when i saw "SALE",.,so many people, crowded.sbb nk celeb8 epy new year x lama lg.. =)

farah : got msg from her last nite, hrni br farah balek, missed her so much.,. & she said dat our ol fwen, Adney want to tumpang at her house.since me nk tlg Adney to find a new job for her. not able to help her to tumpangkn die at along's house.huhu so shian kat adney, so terpakse la she tumpang kt rmh farah. huhuh =)

Mama: kerinduan pd mama,i've planned, dis becoming thursday nk alek kel.huhu.nk jmpa mama, since sebulan da x jmpa.huhu. tp tiket bas x beli lg.hopefully ade nnti.

=) kerinduan & syg hadir ... *dzihni

Thursday, February 01, 2007

~is there a such thing as soulmates?~

3:03 PM 01/02/2007

hohoh. i'm getting fat =)

sgt tabesh!!~ aku rs cam da getting fat,., tol ke?,.,

huhu..ntah jmpa Doc dat day, ley lak aku ty Dr "dr, sbb sy gemok ke sy dpt saket nie?" & she's smile.. hehe.she said "u x de la gemok sgt eliana" ahaks!!~ really ke? ke Doc ni salah tengok.huhuh. xmo gemok2 lagikk!!~ adey!! erm, dat day ms jmpa Mil, he sangup tlg me nk get my dream body shape =) ngee ley ke.. kompius!~, die soh aku cr gym dlu then bitau die & die will arrange kan jadual for me..adeyy,., sangat baek ati..since he knows dat Doc said that, aku kne bykkn eksersais,., bwat regular excercise,.,but u know la, dgn keje nie , bile masa lah nk g excercise lak.adeyy!!~ but, i'll try to find any gym yg nearest ngan my place. huhu then will let him now later la. =)
sekarang aku ngan break = bored.nak balek kang, umah jauh lak..huhugaji lak lom masok lagik.adeyyy, so lambat..,. like Anne said, 1st week of feb,., adey, parah nk menunggu.,.,& me dah list down dah whut i wanna buy =) ngeee,.

1. ipod shuffle =)

2. shoes =) *sgt gile kasot*

3. Blay hand bag =) * dat one yg i tgk dgn farah dat day heheh

4. toiletries =)

hehe, so cepat2 la dpt gaji,.,~~ money!!~ money!!~ i want money!!~ $$$ sgt kerinduan pd mama.,.,last nite she called me, told her evertin bout kptusan ultrasound dat day,.,mama, juz tell her dat everthin is under control..& she faham.,.,i luv u so, Ma!~ no one can replace ur place in ma heart. =) hurm.dis week,my off day is saturday.,., hohoh.x de plan agik nk wat pe.since farah pon dah ke Perak.,.i'm alone.,.last nite she sent me sms,bitaw yg die da ade lam bas nk ke perak..,.,she looks happy,.,taper lah, nex time jumpa lagik k. =)
last nite, around 2am, i got msg from shuk.,.,terpisat2 me bangun.,.,huhuh.,., & he asked me about "cinta & sayang",.,huhuh,.,die mengigau ker?,..hehehe.,.,sian kt my fwen sorg neyh.,
i'm wondering,.,., whut is cinta & whut is sayang?,.,,for me: Luv is ONe heart =) & two sOuL,.,luv is a feeling of the mind that can reach the heart, 7 one it reaches it's reflected out upon others around u,.,bile kite dah mula menyayangi someone, for us, she/he is the one for us,.,we dun want anyting else in our life.,.,is there a such thing as soulmates? or do we just end up with the best person we can find? for me, i believe in soul-mates.,.,there is only one person out there for every one person.u can learn to luv & be happy with almost everyone in this world.,., =) i do belive dat ALLAH s.w.t has made male & female for one another. =)
~where's my Luv? ~