My Devotees

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My stubborn fats!

It is harder and distressing to lose weight after a c-section. Oh ya, mungkin ramai yang tak tahu, saya terpaksa melalui satu emergency c-section due to overdue for over than a week. Labor for Qaseh was slow to begin jadi saya perlu melalui labor induction,dan memandangkan keadaan agak berisiko, keputusan di buat oleh Dr Zul untuk emergency cesarean . Better-half was attended the surgery and be a source of my strength plus share the experience in the labor. It was a sweet but spine-chilling moment to be remembered.

I had the c-section almost 9 months ago, but I feel like I am stuck at my current weight which I hate...luckily i managed to poot-on my old jeans =) weee.

Hey! How to lose weight fast? please shareeeee..........i percaya berjuta orang melalui C-section & i believe there must be a way to lose the stomach area and feel good again. I want to feel good again :( yaa, it will take time though.... sabar. sabar.

My great loss.

When the time has comes, all of us have to leave on their own, leaving everything and everyone behind...
My beloved mother, Napisah @ Rokiah Ibrahim passed away on 8th October 2011, 10 am at the age of 65 years old. It was very unexpected..... :(    She was a wonderful mother to me. She will be greatly missed by all her daughters, sons-in law and grandchildren. Insya Allah, may her soul rest in peace.
I have always been a strong person, and I hope I will be able to cope with this difficult time... Ya Allah, berilah hambaMU ini kekuatan untuk melalui kehidupan ini tanpa Ibu di sisi.....
She was very special, and she will always have a special place in my life...

Friday, October 07, 2011

Qaseh is growing up.

She's 8months old, 8.3kg & no little teeth yet.
I miss her being so little but happy that she is growing up healthy...
When I look at her pictures then I realize how much she is changing everyday...

Monday, October 03, 2011


I've always been interested in trying to put on the hijab in different ways buttttt NEATLY & ORDERLY as possible as I can =) thus, I have tried Fareeda scarf.

Yes.. I am keen on the designs and the colors lots. Honestly, this Fareeda scarf has the potential to look good on hijabis.