My Devotees

Friday, July 15, 2011

Phlegm & Infant

Qaseh is under the weather for few days already. Ada phlegm and mild cough but no wheezing sound. She has been referred to pediatrician for few times, X-Ray has been done and Alhamdulillah, kata pediatrician lung Qaseh clear & her lung is in a fine condition. Her breathing is not very noisy, no wheezing sound cuma berkahak sahaja. When we consulted with pediatrician, no medication has been given and pediatrician advised to let it heal by itself. Tapi I am so worried because phlegm may cause bronkitis atau brochospasm. Apa yang telah saya praktik kan ialah chest taps and it helps. Chest taps ni sejenis tepukan pada belakang badan bayi dan boleh loose kan mucus/phlegm yang ada. Caranya dengan meletakan bayi dalam posisi meniarap, letakkan bantal yang sedikit nipis di bawah perut,condongkan posisi bantal dengan kedudukan kepala bayi ke bawah dan kaki di atas, pastikan kaki lurus. seterusnya bentukkan tapak tangan seperti cupping/ bentuk cawan dan tepuk perlahan di belakang bayi, lebih kurang 15 hingga 20 minit. Buat untuk kiri dan kanan bahagian tubuh bayi.
So far, she does not refuse on feeding and though her feeding is not affected, but still we brought her and seek for medical advice, pediatrician says its normal and this kind of heavy breathing will go away after sometime. Some pediatrician said, the sounds are not phlegm but the sound was due to salur pernafasan yang sempit, so, will produce the sound. He keeps reassuring me that once Qaseh grows older, the sound will go away. 
Hurm. Bila google through internet, ramai yang suggest untuk bagi honey to infants and they said it’s really works. The truth is honey should never be given to a child under the age of 12 months old! It may cause botulism poisoning and it is really unsafe. 
Some people advised to put ‘kunyit’ dengan cara gosok kunyit pada tempat yang kasar then apply it on the baby’s chest. I will try it tonight. Hopefully berkesan. InsyaAllah.


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