on friday.,.,bersama ngan Izzat ke Damansara Specialist.,.,since die nk ikowwtt..,.before that, bangun pg2, along da bising2 sbb die soh g Clinic Famili BTS & got some consultation from one of Dr there.,.then, balek umah, siap2, then bertolak g Damansara.,.huhuh.lebey kurang 30mnts menunggu Dr Sebastian Thong di Genaral Surgery kt Damansara Specialist..huhuh.then masuk, isi form.,.dok kejap, finally, Dr Sebastian Thong masok.,.dr dewan bedah kata nye.,.,shangat kesian, die nampak sgt kepenatan but still smile lagik.,., =) hehe.die nampak baek.,.,me agak selesa wif him.,.firstly, he read the refferal letter from Clinic TTDI then asked me "Sakeyt eh?" .he smiled. i smiled. =) yerppp..then me sambung, "okehs la Doc, me cite dr mule".,.,,then...bla..bla..bla...he anguk2.. then, he asked tok baring & check. after siap..then he advised me spya jgn bmbg2..die nk nengok within 2 weeks if all become worst then he said "kte x de pilihan..." huhuhu..oh my Goodness!~ huerm..i smiled,.then already told Dr Sebastian Thong that for me, operation is the last choice.....huhuh..he understood.then he gave me one type of tablet & another one is jnis powder.huerm. =) Thanks, Doc.agak kelambatan nk tggu ubat kuar...huhuhu..then, bile tgk bawah, izzat dah tido atas sofa kt lobby hosp tuh..shian nye die....then lps amek ubat, went to OU.,., =) since izzat yg nk g sane, so, bwk je la die...da penat kaki berjalan pusing2 OU, balek umah.,., bile nengok hp, dpt byk missed call from along, she worried.. =) hehehe.
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